Super DMZ??


National Strongman Competitor
Anyone here use this stuff??

I guess this is a newer version prohormone...

I have been told by 2-3 very legit competitors that this stuff is beyond legit, that there is nothing better OTC??

Anyone with any info on this??
Featuring unheard of anabolic and myotropic effects, Dimethazine was compared to Methyltestosterone, Oxymethalone, Androstanazole and Testosterone Propionate in their protein-anabolic activity. Dymethazine was shown to have the HIGHEST myotropic (muscle building) effects out of any of the previously named steroids (Methyl-Test, Anadrol, Winstrol, and Testosterone Propionate)! In addition to this, it also displayed an ability to induce a higher rate of Nitrogen retention than Methyl-Test.(1)

In another study performed on Dymethazine, patients were administered Dymethazine for 45+ days. Liver values did not change for 50% of patients, while the other 50% noticed only modest to moderate increases in liver values(2). So, Dymethazine can increase liver values, however nowhere near the current methyl monsters on the market today. This means Dimethazine can be run for 4-6 weeks without the need of expensive liver support supplements.

Hormonal products that give huge strength/weight gains are usually associated with watery or wet gains due to large amounts of aromatization resulting in high levels of estrogen in the body. Too much estrogen can cause severe bloating, fat gain, and even potential growth problems. Dymethazine features 0% ability to aromatize and expresses an extremely weak androgenic activity (3). This means Dimethazine will produce intense gain, has very little to no liver impact, and will cause absolutely no estrogen related side effects.

Move beyond the pro-hormones of yesterday, and step into the future of Designer Steroids with Dimethazine.

I've heard the same thing. I only know guys who stack it in replace of dbol or drol. Lots of good things from it.
It's funny I never hear about these things, and then all of a sudden, I hear non stop about Super DMZ by Iron Mag Labs...

guess this stuff has sold out all over the place. I believe it is still legal and not banned at the moment??

I personally know of 2 people who gained 15lbs, maybe 50% size and the other half water in a month with this stuff...

A long time friend and bodybuilder of mine who has relied on AAS over the years, and has trained for 20+ years ran a bottle and says he got better results then with compounds like turanibol, similar to a dry anadrol.

^^ Anyone else here that can confirm?? Sides versus gains?? ^^
damn sounds like good stuff , especially if its legal, im sure it still shuts you down, so i couldnt take it right now, but once im fianlly ready again i would love to try this stuff
damn sounds like good stuff , especially if its legal, im sure it still shuts you down, so i couldnt take it right now, but once im fianlly ready again i would love to try this stuff

I don't think ironmag labs sells it anymore. Supposedly someone bought out their remaining stock and is selling it online until what is left runs out then it will be gone for good.
dont we have any chemists here who can change a molecule here or there and make some good legal stuff lol,
It's going to be like that episode of Family Guy when Peter makes his own Red Bull with Kerosene lol.
I see it advertised all over. .. I don't buy the results. Never had good results with any ph and can't afford the mega beyond dosing schedule which it probably needs to have results imo. Food is my choice for growth..
Thanks for all the feedback everyone, and Nuk, if you liked it, IMO that is just one more very legit feedback which gives this product the green light for anyone looking to try it.

Thank you.

Let us know how you like it. I'm going to see if I can get some. It seems that as soon as a good one surfaces they try to make it illegal
Let us know how you like it. I'm going to see if I can get some. It seems that as soon as a good one surfaces they try to make it illegal


Hey BS, whats up man, can you please post up your results??

I spoke to another bodybuilder who used this product and swears by this.

Quote on quote, he said, "DMZ and SuperDrol are the best OTC products he has ever used"...

Have to say I am impressed with all the feedback.