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No problem brutha! Click share, then click embed and the code will automaticaly pop up already highlighted and you just paste that code into the text area here, real easy and fast

and thnx again brutha!!! Really appreciate it!
I've seen so many pictures of him where he looks like total shit on stage but looks great on the beach. I remember seeing a picture of him on stage where he was still bleeding from pinning and looked like a sloppy mess.
Not sure, he has a video getting interviewed the last part of 2012 where he was still jacked as hell saying that he was retired from BB now but still keeps his weight right at 290lb lean. Said he does commercials and some movies now.
is that a recent picture of him?

Why? Cause if u say he looks good for his age I'm going to ban ya! Lol not that I'm in my 40's but I'm in my late 30s and it ain't hard to still look good well into ur 40s if this is ur life style choice

Just wanted to jump in on that point lol incase that's where u were going with it lol
keep his weight at 290 lean. thats crazy lol I think his delts are a little underdeveloped. lol (joking, my weak point)
Some guys look great bulked up and not so great dieted down for a show.

So true. Lots of guys that look a lot better that are not on stage. I'm a huge (so is the wife) of Frank McGrath look and Houser body. They can just not be a competitive bodybuilder but I'd love that look over Phil's or other big name competitor.
keep his weight at 290 lean. thats crazy lol I think his delts are a little underdeveloped. lol (joking, my weak point)

That is crazy- hell I am 46 and he has to be a lot more stuff that I am taking right now.
To stay at 290 lean year round- has to take a toll on the body....
Yeah he said in a video he doesn't bulk he trys to stay good looking all year round lol
Still it takes to stay there- as you get older it gets a lot harder to stay at a weight like that and you can't do it without a lot of supplementation because your body is fighting you.
I'm at the point now where it seems easier to gain although my strength has suffered. I'm no where near 290 though... I would imagine that trying to stay in that condition constantly is going to be pretty rough