Sustanon 250 injections


New member
I have recently come out of hospital after along time in from an accident i had while at work. I have lost alot of weight and have been eating loads of meat, eggs, fish, chicken, brown rice and porridge and also taking promax extreme 3 times a day. last night i administered my first sustanon 250 injection i just wanted to know will this give me a stone of weight in the next month and a half? i am also doing alot of weight training and eating a good intake of protein daily i just need to get back to what i was. Im 28 im now only 13 stone i use to be 15.5 and i have very little body fat. Im 6 foot 1 and generally find it hard to put weight on so i know this is gonna take me so long naturally. Im a novice when it comes to taking steroids so i thought someone wud give me a little help
Well i'd have to ask ...

... sust 250 i'm guessing is per 250/ml. How many ml are you doing at once? And how frequently are you administering the dosage?

... A point to make out here is whats the rush? I mean why the need for a stone of weight in 1.5 months. To be honest i really think you are dreaming if you want a stone of quality muscle weight in 1 1/2 months even if you wern't a hard gainer.

Give some more background and information man ..
hi mate thanks for reply actually mate its sustanon 300 not 250 i only injecting 1ml twice a week thats what the guy in the gym said to do. As well as doing that im also comsuming large protein amounts, promax extreme and creatine and doing very heavy and hard workouts so i might have a chance of putting a stone on. I think its just a bit paranoid after losing so much weight mate thats why i want to gain some muscle and weight quickly enough. what do you mean background and that mate? thanks for replying again
I have no idea how much a stone is , and depending on the blend of ur sust yeah once a week might be fine, alot of the non traditional susts out there just have mostly long test esters so once a week would do, but i have no idea what ur sust blend is, and again no idea how much weight were talking about
Always wanted to know what a stone was .. There is an App for everything on the iphone .. lol .. Drumroll ..... according to the iphone ....

one stone =13.99999999904 pounds !

F*ck it ! .....just say 14 pounds .
yeah 14 pounds is a stone sorry i forgot americans deal in pounds sorry. I am on 2 injections a week of sust 300 starting to see some great gains already after only 3 injections think ill easily hit my target thanks for the replies
So, you said you were 15.5 stone, that's about 217 pounds, right? Let us know how much you gain on this cycle.