sustanon once a week or once a day?


New member
I’m looking to try sustanon but keep hearing conflicting things from people who say you should run it once a day or EOD. And then other people say that once a week is fine.
My main goal is to run 500mgs a week. I’m looking to do a bulking stack and I’m open to adding an oral to it maybe some anadrol or dbol. It would look like this:
sust 500mgs a week total
dbol 30mgs a day OR anadrol 25mgs a day.
12 weeks. Using the oral first 6 weeks only
I’m 28 years old and I’m 205 lbs and 6’3”
it certainly is not once a day with sustanon.. sustanon was made to be used for trt and is comprised with more long esters than short esters.. i have always recommended twice a week with it... i would not go over 4 weeks with either anadrol or dbol, whichever you choose.. you dont need nor want to run a bulking oral of that strength too long.. thats a "to each their own" on what you go with.. i always prefer anadrol but i have always responded extremely well to it.. some do not