switching gyms


New member
I get depressed going to my gym, I just dont want to go there unless its 4am and no one is there. It just seems like idiots have invaded it. Even at like mornings times from 9 to 11am, I mean does anyone work anymore or what. This place charges 53 a month, towels extra, locker extra, So Im heading to this luxury place that costs 150 a month. If I stay at this gym I wont have to worry because I will be in jail. I quit off to work out at a luxury spa. I wont even ask people anymore to work in, I have asked people there and they are like no, ill be done in 5 minutes.
That's crazy. I don't know what I'd say if someone said no when I asked to work in. There are some new dbags at my gym too. It does get tough... Listening to them talk about "leg day" as all 4 alternate on the leg extension....
I had this fat guy several years ago-all sweating and wearing a shirt that was way too small, fucking gut all hanging out

another one of those New Yearbies...so here I am working on the ab machine and this fat fuck gets like 3 ft in front of me just standing there staring, sweating, panting

I just got off the machine and walked away-almost punched him but didn't want to get my fist sweaty-anyway you can try that Dude

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lol, i hate gym dickbags! Especially the younger guys who go out of their way to talk loud so you can hear them and their conversation about steroids! Its amazes me every damn time how fucked up people are!
maybe its just you and your Oh So Bubbly Personality lmao!

I actually have good gym etiquette. I have been going to gyms now for 40 years. I Still remember the first one too. It was In Jersey City and they bused us there as kids in the 70's. I always wear a hoodie and I like to move fast so I can get cardio done at same time. To just let someone not work in was unheard of years ago. Now people just sit there. Actually I like to go to ab machine and do a set after every other set I do, this way at end of my workout I have 300-400 reps of abs done. People just sit on it for 15 minutes. I am working on being a nicer person, Im looking for some volunteer work. I use to be a certified ombudsman for Long term care homes as a volunteer. Had to take classes get certified and everything. Talk about a wake up call. These nursing homes are not just full of old people. I had many young motorcycle accident victims just spinal cord severed, restricted to a small Television. I mean young people who had strokes, usually related to meth use. Unable to walk or speak. It was a horrible volunteer job and I had to give it up. I still think of them people when I get down sometimes. These people pay top dollar for this. I mean when you go in you have to declare your assets and then they determine the price they will charge you. I have seen the price vary greatly for the same level of care, sometimes almost 3 times as much because the person had more money. Part of my job was going over their files and writing cost down and then turning it into the state. Its sad how they milk the people. You know when corporate america gets involved they steal. A great deal of Nursing homes are run by Corporate America , milking the people down to the very end. It's truly sad.
This is why I train at home in my basement. I know some of you guys love going to the gym and I used to as well. Hell I was even part owner of a gym back in the early 80's. Im kind of low key and when I train I hate interuptions. I turn up the music as loud as I want and I enjoy it.
I actually have good gym etiquette. I have been going to gyms now for 40 years. I Still remember the first one too. It was In Jersey City and they bused us there as kids in the 70's. I always wear a hoodie and I like to move fast so I can get cardio done at same time. To just let someone not work in was unheard of years ago. Now people just sit there. Actually I like to go to ab machine and do a set after every other set I do, this way at end of my workout I have 300-400 reps of abs done. People just sit on it for 15 minutes. I am working on being a nicer person, Im looking for some volunteer work. I use to be a certified ombudsman for Long term care homes as a volunteer. Had to take classes get certified and everything. Talk about a wake up call. These nursing homes are not just full of old people. I had many young motorcycle accident victims just spinal cord severed, restricted to a small Television. I mean young people who had strokes, usually related to meth use. Unable to walk or speak. It was a horrible volunteer job and I had to give it up. I still think of them people when I get down sometimes. These people pay top dollar for this. I mean when you go in you have to declare your assets and then they determine the price they will charge you. I have seen the price vary greatly for the same level of care, sometimes almost 3 times as much because the person had more money. Part of my job was going over their files and writing cost down and then turning it into the state. Its sad how they milk the people. You know when corporate america gets involved they steal. A great deal of Nursing homes are run by Corporate America , milking the people down to the very end. It's truly sad.

bro that shit is still unheard of! Its down right pathetic and i would be pissed off if it happened to me! Times have changed and people are so selfish and rude anymore! Lemme tell ya, i would have removed that person from where ever they were and i would have did my set while they stood there with a dumb look on their face, I'm not kidding you! I honest to GOD would have worked in anyways or i would have taken the entire machine over right there on the spot!