I was curious, and please forgive me if this is an ignorant question, of the thoughts of others on switching to a different type of test in the middle of a cycle. I have done some quick research, but not very thorough, and have not found much information on this matter. Take for instance a cycle of Sustanon twice a week 250 mg and switching in the fifth or sixth week of a twelve week cycle to Test E 500 mg once a week for the remainder of the twelve week cycle. The reason I pose this question is because I just brewed a batch of Test E 250 mg and a couple of buddies are trying it out. I feel a bit guilty not trying it first and using them as Ginny Pigs..... I did pin 1ml after brewing to check for PIP and all was good. I would love to hear others thoughts of switching in the middle of the cycle. Plus it's my first brew and I would love to pimp my own shit......... Also if I did switch would I even be able to tell at this point if it is good. Thank you for all your info and again please excuse me if you feel this is an ignorant question. JUST CURIOUS BROTHERS......