Iron Game

Gold Member
Substance: Liothyronine Sodium

Tiromel(also known as Cytomel) is a synthetically thyroid hormone. The drug contains iothyronine
sodium which resembles the natural thyroid
hormone tricodide-thyronine (L-T3) Cytomel is not an anabolic or androgenic steroid as a substance
and athletes use it for different purpose then steroids.

A healthy person’s throid usually produces two hormones; L-thyroxine (L-T4) and L-triiodine-thyronine
(L-T3) Cytomel is the synthetic equivalent of the T3 triiodine-thyronine hormone, which helps
regulating the use of energy and the creation of proteins. Because of having less plasma protein
binding to thyroxine-binding globulin and transthyretin, L-T3 has proven to be more active and to take
effect more quickly than levothyroxine L-T4. L-T3 has a faster onset of action as well as a shorter
biological half-life, probably due to. L-T3 hormone is more strong and more effective then T4. That’s
why Cytomel is commercially avaibble. Professional and amateur body builders buy Tiromel as a
metabolism stimulant, causing an increased rate of carbohydrate, protein and fat conversion.

Cytomel is usually advised to use when there is a hypothyroidism (a thyroid insufficiency)
Among other secondary symptoms are obesity, metabolic disorders and fatigue. Tiromel helps
bodybuilders to simulate their body by taking advantage of this characteristics. This syntetic drug
helps a faster conversion of fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Because of this heightened conversion rate,
bodybuilders in competition circuits used Tiromel to help maintain a low body fat ratio, without
sacrificing nutrition by going through a hunger diet. Especially, competing body builders use Tromel
during a few weeks before a contest because of this reason. It is possible that a few doses of Tiromel
can help the steroid that being taken at that time, to become more effective because of the drug’s
fastening effect on the conversation of protein.

The bodybuilders who have the ‘muscle magazine’ looks and hard and toned bodies report that they
use Tiromel to iron the effects of fast food after eating them occasionally. By over stimulating the
throid, it becomes a lot easier to burn fat.Tiromel can help the female bodybuilders because of they
genrally have slower metabolisms. So it is really hard fort hem to maintain the body that will ‘win’ until
a competition. By using Cytomel, there is no need to do an unhealthy reduction of food or dangereus
diets. Women are biologically more vulnerable to side-effects, but , it wouldn’t be wrong to say that
they can take 50 mg/day without any complications. If doing extream hunger diet is a posibility, there
is no doubt about a short-term using of Tiramel.

Cytomel is a very strong and effective syntetic throid hormone an done should be very careful about
dosage he/she uses. It is highly advised that one should start using Tiramol at low low doses and star
increasing very slowly. Most of the bodybuilder starts to use Tiramol by taking a 25-mcg tablet and
increase this dose by one tablet every three or four days. Using a dose higher than 100-mcg/day is
really dangerous and not advised. Daily dose that will bi taken should break into smaller doses and
should not be taken all at once. This way the usage of the drug will be more effective. Taking Cytomel
more then 6 weeks is can be dangerous and not advised. One should avoid to use this drug for at
least two months after a 6 week using period. Those who take high doses of this drug for a long time
of period can suffer from a cronic thyroid insufficiency. This could lead one to use thyroid medicatin
for rest of his/her life. It is also important that the dosage is reduced slowly. A physician must be
consulted berofe starting to use of Cytomel, to be sure that there is no thyroid hyperfunction exists.
Everyone should be well versed in all things Cytomel t3 if they intend to use it. I just answered a member questions here two days ago about T3 usage, and I forget members name but he said his ""trainer"" told him to start at 100mcgs and that he can just quit without ramping down.
thank yu for the post. I have ben looking into the differences between t4 and t3. Any thought on which one is best for general fat burning properties.
thank yu for the post. I have ben looking into the differences between t4 and t3. Any thought on which one is best for general fat burning properties.

I have taken both and I prefer T3 (Cyto-Burn). I really didn't notice anything from T4. You have to start slow, ramp up and down slowly.