T3, not a good fat burner


Seriously, I am prescribed t3 and t4 for low thyroid. I decided on a good 3 month cycle of T3 at 100 mcgs each day to speed up the fat burning. All calories were measured and weighed and recorded. In the end the extra t-3 allowed me to eat nothing extra. I incurred side effects of increased anxiety and increased sweating. However in regards to getting leaner it did nothing. I know the t3 was legit, for it was pharmaceutical. In the end t-3 was reduced to prescribed levels. Bodyfat removal was accelerated by increased cardio/ cut in calories. Moral to the story, T3 is worthless as fat removal, at least for me.
i discovered the same thing. throw in the fact that you can f-up your thyroid by taking t3 and its just not worth it.
wow 100mcgs of T3 should burn lbs off anyone. I guess though, if you already have decreased thyroid function, you may not have been that much higher than "normal". I wouldn't think so, but that is just wierd.
You don't NEED clen with T3, it just works better
Thanks for putting this up, kinda helps out a lot. I've never personally liked t3, but this helps a lot of people out that are probably going to look at it as a fat burner
Im willing to give everything a try again now that im a lot leaner. I was 30% body fat at one time. It seems nothing worked back then.
In speaking to my endo regarding the Cytomel(I did not tell him I increased my dose) and the failure to lose fat. He said its still calories in calories out thyroid meds will not help you lose weight. I thought with 100 mcg daily my metabolism would be burning hot and I could eat a little more and get leaner. My experiment failed. Anyone want to try, go ahead. Maybe 100mcg daily wasn't enough. I wasn't willing to go any higher the anxiety sucks. My dose's were spaced out throughout the day also. Oh well, any one want to try have at it
if you used t-3 and clen how do you know the t3 worked. The clen could make you lean and the t-3 doing nothing. You would have to try them seperate to determine which one was effective