t3 or eca?

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if your diet is clean what will burn more fat t3 or eca which it more powerful?
i i can do eca next week which will be week3 three of my prop/tren cycle. i you tell me to go with t3 will adding it at week four be too late? its about when i will be able to get it
too much stress on the old ticker bro, imo. i only use one at a time during my cycle. either eca or clen. never both. now i know that eca works better for me than clen. so thats why i wanna know if t3 will be a better choice.
i dont like to use t3 because of the issue with the thyroid that may occur. Now grant it that is only if you fuck up your dosages...but i still dont wanna take that chance
It's apples and oranges bro, T3 is more potent, i'd say go with T3 and clen, or just the T3. I'm not a huge fan of the ECA stack. To give u some idea an ECA stack will raise your metabolism around 3% i believe, clen will boost it 10% and then of course DNP will boost it 30%. If you'd like to use a thermogenic then Clen all the way, as for thyroid i'd go with t3, start at 1 tab and work your way up by a tab every 4 days ramping it up slowly, then you have to be JUST as careful to ramp it down slowly, and don't use it for longer than 6 weeks. Also you have to run a PCT for your thryoid, i'm sure others could tell u some more supps for this but guggelsterones and iodine are musts.
When you do decide to use T-3.... make sure you have the will power to stay perfect on diet 3-4 weeks post cycle... the rebound is a pain in the fuckin ass... Ive gained a good amount of fat scince my t-3 cycle cuz i was fed up wit dieting and all that cardio... so if you use it, be prepared for alot of chicken and broccoli
Do a search on DNP...there is ton of info on it...by the way it's a potent substance...so you might wanna do your full research first...
I dont ever recommend DNP and i wouldnt take t3 without test b/c you will loose alot of muscle if ya do decide to take it. That being said i prefer t3 over clen.
sonoma, unless you have a death wish I would stay away from that shit(dnp). Well I never heard of anyone dying. But imo would have to be one crazy mofo to do DnP. Ok, so I will just stick with eca and clen for now. thanks!
TheElmo said:
sonoma, unless you have a death wish I would stay away from that shit(dnp). Well I never heard of anyone dying. But imo would have to be one crazy mofo to do DnP. Ok, so I will just stick with eca and clen for now. thanks!

HAHA,, ok,, i was just curious,,, never heard of it.. just learnin something new.... might try some clen,,, been putting it off, right now doing eca with lipo-6....its ok, but might try something else...thnx guys