Iron Game

Gold Member
Q. Should I take my oral AAS (D-bol, Anadrol, or Anavar) with food or on an empty stomach?

A. Oral Anabolic Steroid Hormons must be able to pass the stomach and liver to be of any use to us as bodybuilders / powerlifters. There are two common methods:

1) 17 alpha alkylation (17aa) is the first and most common method used to increase oral bioavailability of synthetic testosterone. This alteration to the hormone allows it to pass through the liver without being degraded. Steroid Hormones are also considered "fat soluble". So it will desolve in fat. Making less of the Steroid Hormone available to be transported to the body tissue.

2) Other Anabolic Steroids rely on the lymphatic system and dietary fat to bypass the liver. This method is not common today except with Andriol (testosterone undecanoate). Anabolic Steroids that rely on the lymphatic system for absorption consuming dietary fat prior to or at the time you take it is recommended.

The most common 17-alpha-alkylated steroids include:
Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
Anavar (Oxandrolone)
Dianabol (methandrostenolone) or D-bol
Winstrol ( Stanozolol )
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin, Stenox)
Many more...
Most oral steroid clones
Most prohormones (example: epistane)
Most designer steroids

Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) is the only 17 Beta Alkylated oral steroid which makes it less harmful on the liver than the Alpha Alkylated steroids.

Ways to increase Oral Anabolic Steroid bioavailability include taking it with grapefruit juice and / or with Tagamet (Cimetidine). Both will reduce stomach acid increasing the bioavailability and half life of Oral Anabolic Steroids.

*Proper liver support should always be used when taking Oral Anabolic Steroids. Manipulation of stomach acids as mentioned above can also increase the stress that the Oral Anabolic Steroids have on the liver.

**As A reminder anyone taking Oral Anabolic Steroids to routinely get liver functions tested, ALT and AST. Keep Oral Anabolic Steroid Cycles short usually a maximum of 6 weeks, even shorter for harsh orals. Take supplements that support proper liver function. Popular supplements include Milk Thistle, TUDCA, and NAC. Also drink plenty of water to help keep your kidneys clean. This goes for anyone on any Anabolic Steroid Cycle or any bodybuilder that consumes a lot of protein.

I always eat right after taking orals, especially when taking ACE stack (aspirin, caffeine, ephedrine) before training as I've always felt the stack hit me harder! Every single time! I always assumed this was due to the food helping the oral get absorbed better, with less of it being eaten up by stomach acid which I again assumed would happen more so if taken without food.

So so due to this happening with my ACE aka ECA stack I then always did do with any oral steroid I did!
Great addition. I have gotten used to taking mine on an empty stomach. I will be changing that now.
I eat when I take anything haha. I also take zantac bc tren is making me spuew acid lmao. Wonder if zantac and other ppi help absurb orals? Only orals I am taking are Proviron and nolva tho. Hmmm.