tamoxifen pharmacokinetics ?

Dim Mouse

New member
ok just an education only (teach me) question here...

i know a lot of bros that "use" take tamoxifen to manage elevated estrogen levels, my question is on the risk of any of the tamoxifen transferring via bodily fluids or excretions to your partner...

i see a lot of studies on the increased risk of uterin and endometrial cancers for women that take tamoxifen so my question is if your spouse or girlfriend (or both LOL) was at high risk or a cancer survivor is there any risk of transferring tamoxifen to her ???

since most studies on the pharmacokinetics of tamoxifen are limited to female subjects i can't find a thing on this... what can i say i get curious about odd scenarios at night...

by the way, this is the best i could find... if you want to read it..


I wouldnt think so bro, I actualy asked my doctor years ago the same question but refering to testosterone and he told me no way
Dim Mouse said:
ok just an education only (teach me) question here...

i know a lot of bros that "use" take tamoxifen to manage elevated estrogen levels, my question is on the risk of any of the tamoxifen transferring via bodily fluids or excretions to your partner...

i see a lot of studies on the increased risk of uterin and endometrial cancers for women that take tamoxifen so my question is if your spouse or girlfriend (or both LOL) was at high risk or a cancer survivor is there any risk of transferring tamoxifen to her ???

since most studies on the pharmacokinetics of tamoxifen are limited to female subjects i can't find a thing on this... what can i say i get curious about odd scenarios at night...

by the way, this is the best i could find... if you want to read it..

