Tax question for the gurus...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Since my gf lives with me, doesn't work and is a complete drain on me financially (joking, but not joking) can I claim her as a dependent? Her parents told me that I could because they weren't going to claim her, but I didn't think I'd be able to. If I can, does it make a significant amount of difference on my personal taxes?
Check your local tax laws but after six month she becomes your common law partner and yes you can show her as a dependent. How much you save will depend in how much tax you pay in the first place. Sorry this is vague but I'm not living in states so I can only give you a general idea. At least some good time eh!?

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I got it Presser, thanks.

Common law here where I'm at is 7 years. I'm not going to claim her, I just don't feel comfortable doing so. Even if I "can" I don't think it's the right thing to do even tough she just sits around and does nothing all day
I was in the same deal with my wife...when we were living together, before we got married, I was paying for everything

I was told that I could claim her but it would throw a huge red flag for getting audited-that's a head ache nobody wants to deal with
I was in the same deal with my wife...when we were living together, before we got married, I was paying for everything

I was told that I could claim her but it would throw a huge red flag for getting audited-that's a head ache nobody wants to deal with

That's exactly where I'm at. Her parents can't claim her because she's 25 and they said I could do it, but from being an accounting major for 3 years in college, I know how that'll go over. I don't mind being audited, but I'm not going to invite them to do it. I'll fly under the radar poor before I make it rich on government money, I've been there and done that and I refuse to go through 7 more years of bullshit with the government
That's exactly where I'm at. Her parents can't claim her because she's 25 and they said I could do it, but from being an accounting major for 3 years in college, I know how that'll go over. I don't mind being audited, but I'm not going to invite them to do it. I'll fly under the radar poor before I make it rich on government money, I've been there and done that and I refuse to go through 7 more years of bullshit with the government

yeah that pretty much sums it up, a guy that I use to work with had some weird thing worked out where he would change what he was claiming on a monthly basis and every year he got audited

he said that he would come up good but it was part of doing his taxes that he knew he would get audited
yeah that pretty much sums it up, a guy that I use to work with had some weird thing worked out where he would change what he was claiming on a monthly basis and every year he got audited

he said that he would come up good but it was part of doing his taxes that he knew he would get audited

Fuck being audited, I know there's a certain % of taxes filed that they need to audit each year, but I'd rather not get audited over something that is only going to yield a minimal return anyway
it use to be that a person had a 1-6 chance of getting audited

as of last year that changed to a 1-4 chance

but they can't show proof of business expenses from 2 years ago-throwing parties with the tax payers money
it use to be that a person had a 1-6 chance of getting audited

as of last year that changed to a 1-4 chance

but they can't show proof of business expenses from 2 years ago-throwing parties with the tax payers money

BOOM!! Don't do as we do! Do as we say!! After all, we don't work for you... well... we get paid by you, but we don't work FOR YOU.
I always found it amusing that we PAY the IRS and then we have to PAY SOMEONE ELSE to do our taxes!! So we pay them to take our money and then we pay someone else to tell us how much to pay them... Yet they have no accountability to anyone
BOOM!! Don't do as we do! Do as we say!! After all, we don't work for you... well... we get paid by you, but we don't work FOR YOU.
I always found it amusing that we PAY the IRS and then we have to PAY SOMEONE ELSE to do our taxes!! So we pay them to take our money and then we pay someone else to tell us how much to pay them... Yet they have no accountability to anyone

haha I'm glad I don't think to this extent on certain things bc that makes me crazy just reading how you put it.Just make sure when you flip on the IRS it's like assault on wall street and take down the fuckers!
haha I'm glad I don't think to this extent on certain things bc that makes me crazy just reading how you put it.Just make sure when you flip on the IRS it's like assault on wall street and take down the fuckers!

Bro, its bad. It's not uncommon for me to get super wound up about this stuff. That's why I have such high hopes of getting off the grid and being done. My pension income is tax free and once I get a little more done, I'll be easily able to work under the table. This country isn't about freedom or the ability to succeed any longer. Its work.. Pay taxes... Pay bills... Work... Etc
Bro, its bad. It's not uncommon for me to get super wound up about this stuff. That's why I have such high hopes of getting off the grid and being done. My pension income is tax free and once I get a little more done, I'll be easily able to work under the table. This country isn't about freedom or the ability to succeed any longer. Its work.. Pay taxes... Pay bills... Work... Etc

And yet you'll still be paying property taxes, sales tax and all that bullshit. It never fucking ends, the fact that you can NEVER fully own anything is total bullshit
And yet you'll still be paying property taxes, sales tax and all that bullshit. It never fucking ends, the fact that you can NEVER fully own anything is total bullshit

Correct. I selected an area where my taxes on a property appraised at 500k is $900 a year. I have been very good at acquiring tangible stores of value to keep my assets off the books as much as possible. Those items that are "on the books" such as property and vehicles are protected by an iron clad Trust. I'm good with consumption taxes.
The IRS is the most corrupt Govt agency in existence and that's saying a lot with our DHS, NSA, etc. The only entity that can put liens on your assets or take property without Due Process. This is what scares me. My only income with be tax exempt which keeps me out of the IRS game. That is my goal.
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And yet you'll still be paying property taxes, sales tax and all that bullshit. It never fucking ends, the fact that you can NEVER fully own anything is total bullshit

Property taxes, sales taxes go to fund local and state governments in the forms of fire, police and EMS, schools ect. I get that. My property taxes here in Fl are about $2600 a year. I have a decent size house so I cannot really complain. I happen to think all forms of govt are bloated and too large but at least the State of Florid has a balanced budget. The Federal Govt and the Income tax is what I have an issue with cause they cannot balance a budget if it meant the life of everyone in Congress. I paid $30K in income tax in 2012. Fucking ouch. $2600 is a drop in the bucket over $30k. There are over 150 Trillion Dollars in unfunded liabilities on top of the 17.4 Trillion we have in debt they acknowledge. The Federal income tax is the real issue in my mind. The income tax needs to be done away with...
Look up the definition of dependant per IRS tax code. If it fits then do it, if not don't. I know you can't write off dogs because I looked it up. Hell my dogs costs me big money.