Tempting ass's in the gym

i used to have a phobia about it to but too long on a desert island with a couple of fatty girls will change your mind about that real quick... oh wait, I wasn't on a desert island I was just drunk again.
i got me one from the farm last night haha me and a buddy choo choo'ed it up it was umm interesting to say the least good thing i was blitzed outta my mind so i have an excuse lmao.
lol...I 've had my moments in the past. There is nothing quite like the disgust of wondering what the hell you got yourself into the night before. You wake up early and leave before the beast awakes. The shame hangs around your head for awhile until you get drunk and it happens again. It's a never ending cycle. lol.
yeah thats why i just say if i was drunk then its just commical if i was sober ill kill myesle lmao.