test E and liver problems


New member
hello guys I finished my cycle of 12 weeks of test. E (500mg / week) I did blood tests and transaminase is high, I did ultrasound and is fattened liver, the doctor says to suspend use of testosterone, because believes that the cause is just testosterone, I had some doubts because I never had problems with testosterone, in your experience, testosterone can cause liver damage??
hello guys I finished my cycle of 12 weeks of test. E (500mg / week) I did blood tests and transaminase is high, I did ultrasound and is fattened liver, the doctor says to suspend use of testosterone, because believes that the cause is just testosterone, I had some doubts because I never had problems with testosterone, in your experience, testosterone can cause liver damage??

of course it can, but it would take a lot of testosterone use over long period to do damage, unless your liver was already fucked from something else you don't know about yet. But yeah it can cause liver damage for sure brutha,
Test can cause damage but it is not the reason for you liver problems. Do you take any painkillers, rec drugs, drink alcohol? What are your stats? How is your diet?