Test E/ Deca blend


New member
I'm kinda throwing around the idea of a Test E/ Deca blend. Probably at 250mg & 200mg. I'm looking to make 100ml. What % of BA & BB do ya'll recommend to get this to hold?
Well I beleive both are soluble in oil so bb isn't necessary at NORMAL conc.....but here you may want it. I would say 3% and 9-12% bb. Just to warn you that will lump up pretty bad I bet. I've never had anything 400 or over be pleasant. I made a batch of T. Enth and eq at 330 and 200........turned me into a gimp with a week, so just keep that in mind.
I know some UG's make it with decent feedback. I've personally never tried any of them but I thought i would give it a shot. Maybe I'll start with 10ml & give it to one of my bro's to try. :P lol

I was looking at maybe a 750mg T enth & 600mg d cycle this winter & was looking to cut down on oil volume is all.
jth250 said:
where do you guys get the raw material for this
rrrrrrriiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttt......somebody tell the newby the rules! NO ASKING FOR SOURCES!!!