test prop and dbol


New member
since I started back on the juice, a lot of what I have been doing is trial and error combined with internet research and advice that I get from this site. I think that I have found test prop. to be the most effective test for me, ( I have tried cyp., sust and enanthate along with prop). the cyp and the enanthate were doctor prescribed. I know that I am comparing short and long esters, but prop seems to be the most potent and the most bang for the buck. on my next cycle I was thinking about prop. and dbol.. I have not used orals since Searle made anavar, so that gives you an idea of how long it has been for me. all of the dbol going around at that time was fake, little blue pills in a blue bottle. this is going back 25 years. I have read that real dbol is a very effective mass builder and is taken in 30-40 mg dosages per day. the two schools of thought that I have read is that some guys only use dbol on training days prior to their workouts and other guys use it every day. I don't want to overdo it with the stuff because I am not looking to get the garbage can lid face or the famous dbol bloat so that I look like the stay puff marshmellow man. any advice from guys who use dbol and is there anything I should look out for?
Prop is always going to me stronger, it's something like 80% test as opposed to 60% in cyp or enthanate. Searle? man bro you're dating yourself lol

Personally, I like dbol for two weeks rather than the popular 4-6 weeks. My view is I just want a jump start rather than a bulk from it. I like decca to add size and start that a few weeks after dropping dbol. My wife hates that moon face from dbol, looks horrible!
I prefer prop as well, all though the EOD injections can be tedious on a long cycle (AKA I'm lazy lol). I've never run Dbol more than 3 weeks and I upped my anti-e dosage while on it to help cut down on the balloon face.
the faster esters tend to mean less water retention and I think most of the marshmellow face comes from a shitty diet. if you eat good and do your cardio you should not hold onto tons of water
I've never tried to split it that way bro. In my opinion I don't think taking an "off" day from them would be beneficial since the half life is so short. Just my .02 cents. It wouldn't hurt to try it though since you have experience with it and see if you notice anything.
Agreed as I think it's best to take orals daily. I will say Ive used winny eod and it worked well with no issues but it was much better when I did it daily
anybody have any input on what I said about some guys using orals on training days only vs everyday?
Take it Daily, as was stated Dbol has a short half life, so daily will give the best results. I too am a fan of just using it to kick off a great cycle, 3-4 weeks for me, with an AI to control the Estrogen and Water/Bloat. And Dbol is dose dependent, more you use the more the sides come out.
And Buffalo is right for every 100mg of Test E your ester takes up 28% of the weight, so your dose is actually 72mg where as Test Prop is 83mg, and Test Acetate around 87mg as these shorter esters take up less weight/space.
to answer your question ive done both.and ive also done and what i like to do is every day/none training days i will space it out and training days i will bang 30mg before training..good diet and an anti will stop bloat..
If you are going to run any orals, you should do them daily. I haven't run orals for years, except for a recent experiment with a few new designer steroids out there. One time I was running dbol (pinkies) and my left foot retained so much water that it was sloshing around like a balloon. It was like twice the size of my left foot. Scared the fuck out of me. It went away after I discontinued the dbol.
If you are going to run any orals, you should do them daily. I haven't run orals for years, except for a recent experiment with a few new designer steroids out there. One time I was running dbol (pinkies) and my left foot retained so much water that it was sloshing around like a balloon. It was like twice the size of my left foot. Scared the fuck out of me. It went away after I discontinued the dbol.

Thats nasty bro! lol, and it would have scred the piss out of me to! I get bad pains in my lower back from dbol, i hate that shit and no matter how much water i drink it still persists! Not a fan of dbol