

New member
I plan on running....

1-10 250mg test eod
1-6 75mg tren eod
1-6 60mg turanabol
1-10 50mg proviron ed

Would it be benneficial to run say 20mg of nolva ed for the duration of the cycle to help keep water down (lean mass cycle)? Or just keep it on hand incase of gyno?
Most will probably say to just have it on hand just in case. I agree. Which test are you going to be using?

Also, why are you stopping your tren at 6 weeks? 75 eod is a fairly low dose.
I agree withjay on this one, also I think its a waste to do tren and test without any winny in there, it makes for a more quality look and gains in my opinion
bump it up to 100 EOD min. I would also consider switcing the order of the turnabol and tren, but thats just me, I always do my oral first and then end with tren.