Thank for letting me be a member here

All of adminNd mod's members and sponsers rock everyone is cool and inviting thanks for a great board full of great people I enjoy being a member here very much it's truley a brother hood
this board has been around awhile and from time to time some older members pop back in. i remember the folks that contributed a lot back when i joined and honestly think of them from time to time i really hope they are doing well and i hear from them. always good folks here at MC and the punks usually dont stick around long
this board has been around awhile and from time to time some older members pop back in. i remember the folks that contributed a lot back when i joined and honestly think of them from time to time i really hope they are doing well and i hear from them. always good folks here at MC and the punks usually dont stick around long
Th t a good thing mc is a lot like my home board I those aspects brother
I never been the one to joined a board/site because there are a lot of smart asses bitches that just want to run their mouth's. Here is a different story, I had to join and I'm extremely happy I have. I have learned sooo much here in just a few months it's not even funny. Then on top of that, all the great perks Presser offers! Can be beat...... especially MC's IGF!

Mountain Man you have also been a great asset. I enjoy your post and your wealth of knowledge. Thanks brother!
This is an amazing, and totally unique board. We ARE family here. None of the back biting and name calling that goes on at other boards. Ask me how I

We are very glad that you joined MC Mountain Man. I enjoy your posts and sense of humor.