The 7 Best Probiotics for Men of 2023

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Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of living (yes, living) bacteria called probiotics. These microorganisms are vital to your immune and digestive systems, and can even influence your mood and energy levels. (1) Now, eating a well-rounded diet containing probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kimchi is always a good way to keep your bacteria count in check, but probiotic...
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Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of living (yes, living) bacteria called probiotics. These microorganisms are vital to your immune and digestive systems, and can even influence your mood and energy levels. (1) Now, eating a well-rounded diet containing probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kimchi is always a good way to keep your bacteria count in check, but probiotic supplements can also be a worthwhile method for giving your gut a daily boost.

The best probiotics for men can be a simple addition to your supplement stack, but finding the formulation that’s ideal for you can be tough. After all, these supplements are more complex than your typical protein powder or multivitamin, and certain bacteria strains can lead to different sensations in your gut and body. So, to help you narrow down your search, we tested over 20 top-performing probiotic supplements, conducted hours of research, and reviewed hundreds of customer reviews to find the seven best probiotics for men available now.

The 7 Best Probiotics for Men of 2023

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine.

How We Tested

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts. We know that health and wellness is not just about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside, as well. For this round-up, we tested 22 probiotic supplements, noting how their complex formulations influenced our daily wellness levels. We examined each tested product’s ingredients list, focusing on the number of colony-forming units in each serving, as well as the included strains per dose.

We also kept an eye out for other ingredients that could potentially bring added fiber, vitamins, or minerals to our supplement stack. Probiotics that featured some form of third-party testing were also noteworthy, giving an added sense of reassurance that the supplements were free of any banned substances.

Given the fact that probiotics are living microorganisms, we also took note of any special storage requirements that came with these supplements. Did they need to be refrigerated or kept in certain conditions, or could they share countertop space with some of our other daily supplements?

Lastly, probiotics can be some of the most expensive supplements in your regimen, with some complex formulations costing upwards of $3 per serving. We looked at a variety of price points in testing to create a well-rounded list catering to all budget types.

Best Probiotic for Men Overall: Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health probiotic contains 1,000mg of probiotics (100 billion CFU) — one of the highest doses on the market. This supplement is also vegan since the capsules are made from plant-based hypromellose.

Shop Transparent Labs


  • Price Per Serving: $1.53

  • Form: Capsules

  • Included Strains: 10

  • Colony Forming Units: 100 billion per serving

  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place


  • Men wanting a robust probiotic will appreciate the 100 billion CFUs per serving.

  • This probiotic comes in a capsule, making it easy and convenient to consume.

  • This probiotic is free of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and colorings.


  • Not all athletes will need a probiotic with 10 varying strains.

  • The 100 billion CFUs per serving can potentially cause stomach discomfort for some. (6)

  • Athletes can find cheaper probiotics out there, albeit with lesser CFUs per dose.

Thanks to a hearty dose of colony-forming units, a convenient capsule makeup, and a simple storage method, we believe Gut Health Probiotic from Transparent Labs to be the best probiotic for men available today. In testing, it was clear that this particular probiotic was the most robust formulation we tried, packing in 10 individual strains of microorganisms for a total of 100 billion CFUs per serving. That’s well beyond the typical dosage, which commonly ranges between one and 10 billion CFUs per serving. (4)

We also appreciate how Transparent Labs utilizes lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-14) as its predominant probiotic in the formulation at a listed 25 billion CFU per dose. This is one of the most commonly used probiotics in formulations for its tendency to create unfriendly environments for “bad” bacteria in the intestines. (5) Common effects of supplementing with this “good” bacteria can include improvements to your immune and digestive systems, a better tolerance to lactose, and lessened symptoms associated with chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Additionally, we enjoyed how easy it was to add this Transparent Labs probiotic to our regimen. A serving consists of two capsules, so finding the time in the morning for proper consumption is a breeze. Also, we liked that this probiotic supplement doesn’t need to be refrigerated after opening, which allowed us to keep the bottle handily on our counters for quick, convenient servings each day. Other probiotics require a cold environment to retain their potency over time, which can add another (albeit small) step to the process.

As impressive as this probiotic is, however, we recommend you ease into a regular supplement schedule with this pick. The 100 billion CFUs per dose can give you a major gut check at first, especially if you’ve never taken a probiotic supplement before. Symptoms can include stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, or diarrhea — not exactly the results you’re likely looking for from the start. (6)

It may be best to cut your servings in half at first to get a feel for your body’s reaction to the extra microorganisms. If that still leaves you with uncomfortable sensations, you may need to opt for a probiotic with less CFUs.

[Related: Why Probiotics Are Extra Beneficial for Athletes]

Best Probiotic for Men’s Gut Health: Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics


Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics includes a digestive enzyme supplement, five strains of probiotics, two types of prebiotics, and a dose of betaine HCI. If you subscribe, you can save $10 per month on this supplement.

Shop Onnit


  • Price Per Serving: $2.53

  • Form: Capsules

  • Included Strains: 5

  • Colony Forming Units: 10 billion per serving

  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place.


  • Each packet contains 900mg of Jerusalem artichoke and 600mg of organic dandelion root to fuel the probiotics for a more positive balance in gut flora overall.

  • The DigestTech enzyme blend can help you better digest key macronutrients, according to the brand.

  • The single-serving packaging can be great for keeping supplementation simple.


  • At nearly $75 for a month’s supply, this probiotic may not fit in every athlete’s budget.

  • Pill-averse athletes may prefer a probiotic with less than seven capsules per serving.

  • The individual packets can create added waste and refuse.

If your main goal of adding a probiotic to your stack is to improve your gut health and digestion, we recommend Onnit’s Gut Health with Probiotics packets. You get seven capsules in a convenient single-serving packet, and while this may be too many pills at once for some, we think the performance supports the added capsules.

This makeup allows each component, like Onnit’s flagship full-spectrum DigestTech enzyme blend, to be properly dosed with key ingredients like Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Pectinase, Lactase, and others for the sake of improved digestion and gut health. There are also two capsules containing 900mg of Jerusalem artichoke and 600mg of organic dandelion root, which serve as prebiotics for the five included probiotic strains. Prebiotics, essentially, serve as food for other probiotics, allowing the microbiome to stay naturally balanced over time. (7)

There’s also something to be said about the single-serving packaging. We enjoyed how simple it was to have this gut booster on-hand, especially during travel days or stays away from our kitchen and supplement cabinet. Additionally, Gut Health with Probiotics doesn’t require additional storage precautions like refrigeration, meaning you can easily store your daily packet in a pocket or gym bag until it’s time for your daily dose.

At nearly $75 for a month’s worth of gut support, though, we understand that Onnit’s Gut Health with Probiotics may be too expensive for some budgets. You’re able to find other probiotic supplements that can deliver digestive support for much less, albeit in a less convenient packaging. Be sure to analyze your budget and personal needs before ordering a stack of your own.

Best Comprehensive Probiotic for Men: Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+


Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+ offers pre-, pro-, and postbiotics in a fiber capsule that keeps the probiotic tablet intact until it reaches the colon, where the probiotics can do the most good.

Shop Ritual


  • Price Per Serving: $1.80

  • Form: Capsules

  • Included Strains: 2

  • Colony Forming Units: 11 billion per serving

  • Storage Instructions: No refrigeration needed.


  • The formulation is robust with 15mg of prebiotics, 11 billion CFUs of probiotics, and 300mg of the postbiotic Tributyrin.

  • This probiotic doesn’t need to be refrigerated to maintain its potency.

  • The delayed-release capsule can help the included probiotics reach the colon more easily.


  • Ritual automatically signs you up for repeat orders at the time of initial purchase.

  • Some of our testers noted uncomfortable sensations like gas and bloating with the first few doses.

  • Each capsule features a minty flavoring, which may be undesired by some.

For balancing your gut microbiome efficiently, it’s tough to beat Ritual’s Synbiotic+. Each daily serving is just one capsule, and that easy-to-swallow dose delivers a comprehensive three-in-one formulation containing prebiotics (bacteria food), probiotics (“good” bacteria), and postbiotics (even more bacteria food).

We appreciate this makeup, as it helps give the included probiotics the best chance possible to flourish. The 15mg of prebiotics serve as both a delayed-release capsule to have the probiotics delivered effectively to the colon, as well as food for the bacteria once they’ve reached their destination. The included 300mg of Tributyrin can also be beneficial for bloating and indigestion, according to studies. (8)

The main ingredients, naturally, are the two probiotic strains — lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis. These two bacteria have been shown to effectively improve your gut barrier, allowing for the optimal growth of “good” bacteria within your microbiome. (9)(10) We also appreciate the dosage of this probiotic blend, as 11 billion CFUs is just slightly above the average probiotic serving yet still can be effective for a number of athletes. (4)

We do want to note, though, that while we witnessed the effectiveness of Synbiotic+ during testing, it wasn’t an immediate boost to our systems. Our tester noted that after taking Synbiotic+ for the first few days of trials, they experienced some uncomfortable gas and digestive rumblings — common symptoms associated with probiotic supplementation. (6) Thankfully, though, these side effects subsided after the initial flare-ups, and they noted no discomfort for the rest of their scheduled doses.

Best Budget Probiotic for Men: Kaged Pro-Biotic

Kaged Muscle Pro-Biotic


Kaged Muscle Pro-Biotic

This supplement contains 10 billion CFU of probiotics in each one-capsule serving, or 30 billion CFU in a three-capsule serving. It's also one of the least expensive options on the market as you can get a 90-capsule bottle for under $35.

Shop Kaged


  • Price Per Serving: $0.33

  • Form: Capsules

  • Included Strains: 1

  • Colony Forming Units: 10 billion per serving

  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.


  • Pro-Biotic’s 33-cent serving cost is the most affordable offering we found during testing.

  • Studies show that Lactobacillus plantarum may increase aerobic endurance during exercise. (11)

  • Our testers said taking the single, unflavored capsule per serving is easy to take.


  • The three recommended servings per day can be inconvenient.

  • Athletes accustomed to probiotics may find the 10 billion CFUs per serving ineffective.

  • More comprehensive formulations with added prebiotics and postbiotics are out there.

When a supplement comes in at less than 50 cents per serving, it’s a quick contender for any budget-friendly moniker. With each dose costing athletes 33 cents, it’s obvious that we’d proclaim Kaged’s Pro-Biotic as the best budget probiotic for men. For reference, other probiotics we tested typically came in between $1.50 and $2.65 per dose. Outside of its approachable price point, we also found this unique capsule to be a beacon of boosted performance in our training.

The probiotic strain at play with Pro-Biotic is TWK10, a patented form of lactobacillus plantarum. This bacteria strain, derived from fermented kimchi, has been shown to improve exercise endurance, muscle energy, and body composition while also facilitating proper gut health. (11) This was a unique experience for us in testing, as we definitely noticed a lower sense of fatigue when tackling our weekly workout splits, along with better digestion and subdued bloating.

Pro-Biotic is also a favorite of ours, thanks to its easily-swallowed capsule makeup. Each serving calls for just one capsule, which can be taken down in an instant with a supporting gulp of your favorite beverage.

We do wish, however, that Kaged would heighten the potency of each capsule to create a single serving per day schedule. According to the brand, it’s recommended you consume three capsules daily with your meals — a feat that’s accomplishable, but still less convenient than one dose in the morning.

Finally, we feel the 10 billion CFUs per serving can be a suitable number for most athletes, especially when you consider that a day’s total will have you consuming 30 billion CFUs overall. Admittedly, though, different athletes have different needs, and that serving may be too little to promote any change in your personal microbiome. You may need a more potent formulation to generate positive results.

Best Probiotic for Men’s Immunity: Swolverine Probiotix

Swolverine Probiotix


Swolverine Probiotix


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