The Arnold Amateur is by far the hardest show to do to earn a pro card


MuscleChemistry member
This show brings out some unreal talent from around the world. If you can get a pro card here, the you have a bright future.
You guys have any photos from last years line up in any class? or maybe a preview of this years line up?
I've watched this for years and you're exactly right, there are some freaks that come out of the woodwork for this show.
Who are some guys who have won this in the past we would know right off the bat? Id like to see a lineup as well.
Tarek Elsetouhi (Germany).


This guy won in 2008
Just crazy how these guys come in shape like that and you've never heard of them or at least aren't a household name yet
we may be sponsoring a competitor in it this year. He took 5th at it last year...Im meeting with him this week in NY and we've been talking all week
alessandro savi....we have details to work out, but hes a super guy and we can actually talk in italian since i speak it...i never use it much in states but being my family is that, it comes in handy overseas...we are meeting this week to discuss all details. Super nice guy and a real person...not a money whore....not a fame whore...just decent all around person from what i can gather
alessandro savi....we have details to work out, but hes a super guy and we can actually talk in italian since i speak it...i never use it much in states but being my family is that, it comes in handy overseas...we are meeting this week to discuss all details. Super nice guy and a real person...not a money whore....not a fame whore...just decent all around person from what i can gather

cool. keep us updated on him
It'd be nice to have another guy associated with someone on here win big. Heinz's guy won a little while ago so it'd be great to see it happen again
I used to buy MD all the time but like everything else I got sick of buying 200 pages of ads. Its unreal in the bb mags. 20 percent content at the best lately.