The Dude 5 weeks out

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm flat as can be, but today was a low carb day so I did what I could.
Here they are



Big improvements! Your show is the first of July? 9th maybe did you say? mine is the 16th! good luck Dude!
Show is July 8 and 9. I'm hoping to see big changes to go along with the changes over the next 5 weeks.
Thanks for the compliments
You look great, you're still going to make some huge jumps in the next 2-3 weeks. You're right on track man
My strength has stayed pretty good so I'm hoping I haven't but the carb cycling has me feeling very thin. Still 215 though.

I was meaning the pics of the girl lol...You're still looking good, just tried throwing some humor in there
great symmetry. Your traps "pop" very nice. Never seen you smile though, lol. By the way, your wife is very pretty. Your a lucky man to have a companion that trains with you.
I was meaning the pics of the girl lol...You're still looking good, just tried throwing some humor in there

Lol.... yeah I'm not too bright these days. My memory and cognitive skills are shit. I have checklists for everything and my wife takes care of everything else. I'm totally retarded at this point in my diet.
great symmetry. Your traps "pop" very nice. Never seen you smile though, lol. By the way, your wife is very pretty. Your a lucky man to have a companion that trains with you.

Thanks. I'm hoping I do well in the show. I really think I got the right girl this time. She is amazing. She puts everything on hold to support me. She is 100% dedicated to our relationship. I never thought I would get married again, but I've never met anyone like her. She's supported me (not financially) for 3 years nonstop and I can't imagine my life without her so I did what I never thought I would do again.
Thanks. I'm hoping I do well in the show. I really think I got the right girl this time. She is amazing. She puts everything on hold to support me. She is 100% dedicated to our relationship. I never thought I would get married again, but I've never met anyone like her. She's supported me (not financially) for 3 years nonstop and I can't imagine my life without her so I did what I never thought I would do again.
You both look incredible! your taps really look outstanding, and over all you have stellar symmetry, like stated above from Rep. ( Great symmetry, is the best words to use here )...
Considering where you stand now as it aint so far away, your looking very dry my man, and vascular to no end.

Quick word if I may: Glad to see that you have a great relationship like you said, and that your best friend is 100$ supportive in your lifestyle ( both of yours lifestyle ), it is rare to find a companion,best friend, wife who understands and supports on the scale that you have. Dude if I may say behind ever good woman, stands a great man, so she does what she does for a reason bro. You both compliment each other!

Good luck Dude.
You both look incredible! your taps really look outstanding, and over all you have stellar symmetry, like stated above from Rep. ( Great symmetry, is the best words to use here )...
Considering where you stand now as it aint so far away, your looking very dry my man, and vascular to no end.

Quick word if I may: Glad to see that you have a great relationship like you said, and that your best friend is 100$ supportive in your lifestyle ( both of yours lifestyle ), it is rare to find a companion,best friend, wife who understands and supports on the scale that you have. Dude if I may say behind ever good woman, stands a great man, so she does what she does for a reason bro. You both compliment each other!

Good luck Dude.

Thanks bro. I still have a ways to go with the lower back, hams and glutes, but I know I can do it.
As far as my girl, she is the reason for all my success and being where I am today. Without going into too much detail I dealt with bad depression most of my life and she cared enough to basically force me to go to counseling and talk with my Dr about it and stood by my side the entire time. Who wouldve thought it would be as easy as a pill a day and an occasional visit to see my therapist. Ive NEVER been happier in my entire life. For 3 years she has never waivered. I definately would not be where I am today if not for her.
Hey Dude your lower back fat is gone!

Still a little to go I think, but thank you. I need striations. Like I said from the start I'm doing this and giving it 120%. I need to be bone dry and striated. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I'm going at this like it's my last chance!!
Still a little to go I think, but thank you. I need striations. Like I said from the start I'm doing this and giving it 120%. I need to be bone dry and striated. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I'm going at this like it's my last chance!!

You've got a lot of time yet and from all of your progress pics, it's only a matter of time before things really start popping and striations are right around the corner. You're very vascular for 5 weeks so I'd say in the next 2-3 you'll start really showing some striations
hey freaky beast!! Im telling you man, you have a diffrent look. your gonna stand out from every one else. poeple in the crowd are gonna be saying" fuck look at that Dude". " He looks Crazy".

im rooting for you bro good luck. wish i could see the show