The Dudes Recovery from Cervical Fusion

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've spent the last couple months looking for experiences similiar to mine and all I've found were questions. Given that fact I figured I'd post a log of my adventures here.
I haven't touched a weight or anything since October. That includes my HRT dose. I probably should've stayed on that, but I didn't. I was about 250 at about 8% when I was forced to stop. The day of my surgery 1/15/14, I was 228. I hadn't had anything to eat of drink in 10 hours. I had substantial strength loss and nerve damage in my right arm and horrible headaches and neck pains along with debilitating muscle spasms as a result of a car accident in early 2013.
I had a Multi level discectomy and cervical fusion. They took out a couple ruptured disks and put in spacers which bolted into the vertebra.
Today is 5 days post op and I feel great. Been off pain pills for 2 days and have no pain. Still stiff and some weird twitching, but I have total relief. I have an X-ray on 2/7 to check the status on the fusion. I hope for good news and to be allowed to get back in the gym with light weights.
I started back on HRT yesterday and I'll probably stay with that for a while. As soon as I'm allowed back in the gym I'm going to start some MC IGF as well as a few of the products from the Human Evolution. I'll keep this updated as I can. I have some other things I'll be involved in. Silk and I will be moving and I will be looking for a new career path. Any questions feel free
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Congrats bro! It's scary pulling the trigger on that surgery so kudos to ya bro!!
Congrats bro! It's scary pulling the trigger on that surgery so kudos to ya bro!!

It was very scary Bro. Although the pain and arm issues were horrible, I don't know if I would've done it had I not been forced to. At least not at this point. It does feel good I must admit. Since the Surgeon went through the front of my neck and moved my voice box and muscles to either side to get to my spine I've had some issues swallowing. It's like I've got a detour in my throat and everything I eat gets stuck there. Have to have water handy with each bite or I'll choke and that's painful.
It feels good to know that once this fuses, I'll be pretty much as good as I can get. I will still have some irrepairable damage which is a bit disconcerting, but I'm focusing on the positive
It was very scary Bro. Although the pain and arm issues were horrible, I don't know if I would've done it had I not been forced to. At least not at this point. It does feel good I must admit. Since the Surgeon went through the front of my neck and moved my voice box and muscles to either side to get to my spine I've had some issues swallowing. It's like I've got a detour in my throat and everything I eat gets stuck there. Have to have water handy with each bite or I'll choke and that's painful.
It feels good to know that once this fuses, I'll be pretty much as good as I can get. I will still have some irrepairable damage which is a bit disconcerting, but I'm focusing on the positive

Man, its like Dejavu hearing you describe your before pains and issues as well as the whole detour in your throat. That part will subside in a week or so. I too felt tremendous relief from surgery. It wasnt until I hit the 4 year mark after surgery that I even saw a Dr. for my neck again Dude. After years of pain, then 4 years of relief and even now its not bad like it used to be. Dr. said if I didnt have the muscle in my neck and shoulders like I do now that it would be worse. I have gotten about 30% relief from using IGF in my traps. I still tweak my neck from time to time, but its nothing like it was before surgery.
I'm hoping after 6 months or so of the IGF my neck will be over 50% better from before I started with it. Thank you for sharing your story Dude
And thank you Presser and MC. The IGF really does bring healing to your body!!!!

hope you have a speedy recovery-glad the surgery went well...

whole thing will be tough to get over but you seem to be optimistic

take it slow and don't rush things
Glad you're doing okay Dude. It must have been that Jimmy Johns sub while you were in recovery.
It was very scary Bro. Although the pain and arm issues were horrible, I don't know if I would've done it had I not been forced to. At least not at this point. It does feel good I must admit. Since the Surgeon went through the front of my neck and moved my voice box and muscles to either side to get to my spine I've had some issues swallowing. It's like I've got a detour in my throat and everything I eat gets stuck there. Have to have water handy with each bite or I'll choke and that's painful.
It feels good to know that once this fuses, I'll be pretty much as good as I can get. I will still have some irrepairable damage which is a bit disconcerting, but I'm focusing on the positive

yeah I am pretty sure they always go through the front of the neck now bro, thats how they give me epidurals and said my surgery would be the same way, and its kind of mind boggling if you ask me that they go through the front, but hey if its the best way to do it then I'm all for it!! lol. As for the voice box and shit, fuck i don't wanna even think of shit like that lol! Were you in a Halo at all?
yeah I am pretty sure they always go through the front of the neck now bro, thats how they give me epidurals and said my surgery would be the same way, and its kind of mind boggling if you ask me that they go through the front, but hey if its the best way to do it then I'm all for it!! lol. As for the voice box and shit, fuck i don't wanna even think of shit like that lol! Were you in a Halo at all?

No halo at all. I kind of wish I was. For the first couple of days it really exhausts the neck muscles to keep you head in the perfect position to avoid as much pain as possible.
My Dr wanted my muscles to do the work and learn the limits on their own which I think worked, but it would have been nice to just relax and let the halo do the work. You also get a wicked ab workout driving to sit up from laying down. My abs are still sore
sorry for interupting on this thread.

Good day to all. I'm new to this so please help me if I do wrong. But I'm looking for advise onm a DNP cycle I have in mind. I've been researching it for a couple of months now and have done one cycle before. The plan is to run a 28 day cycle with the first four days on 200mg and pushing up on the 4th day to 400mg and to complete my cycle on that amount. Want to do a strict low carb, low fat and high protein diet with 40 to 60 min cardio 6 days a week and to rest my body on sundays. I weigh about 230lbs presently. Any coments and advise will be much appreciated.
Brother so glad to hear you are back at it! It's awesome that you are off pain pills and having no pain! What a blessing! Good luck with the move and the new career. We are all here to support you and wish you the best!
Jut take it slow less iss more even though the mind wants to jump in just take it esy I know guy sthat went to fast back in and are still fucked up, so be good my my friend sppeedy recovery to you. I know how metally draining it is, I will say a prayer for you. God bless
good day to all. I'm new to this so please help me if i do wrong. But i'm looking for advise onm a dnp cycle i have in mind. I've been researching it for a couple of months now and have done one cycle before. The plan is to run a 28 day cycle with the first four days on 200mg and pushing up on the 4th day to 400mg and to complete my cycle on that amount. Want to do a strict low carb, low fat and high protein diet with 40 to 60 min cardio 6 days a week and to rest my body on sundays. I weigh about 230lbs presently. Any coments and advise will be much appreciated.

are you for real..jeezus..i never ever flame but man i was very nearly rude to some respect..
Good day to all. I'm new to this so please help me if I do wrong. But I'm looking for advise onm a DNP cycle I have in mind. I've been researching it for a couple of months now and have done one cycle before. The plan is to run a 28 day cycle with the first four days on 200mg and pushing up on the 4th day to 400mg and to complete my cycle on that amount. Want to do a strict low carb, low fat and high protein diet with 40 to 60 min cardio 6 days a week and to rest my body on sundays. I weigh about 230lbs presently. Any coments and advise will be much appreciated.

Start a new thread asking that specific question and I'm sure you'll get plenty of responses brother, but this aint the place for it.....
I'm feeling great today. I've got a ton of mobility in my neck back and zero pain. I'm still nervous about getting into a car so that will probably be a couple more weeks.
Well, it's been 3 months since my 5-level fusion surgery. Doing much better and getting around with ease pretty well. Joined a low key fitness gym to do my cardio, still no weight training. The fusion is progressing very well. My surgeon is anti-weight training, even if you have no back issues or being fully healthy, go figure huh? Anyway Dude you have gone thru the toughest part. As everyone tells me, " BE PATIENT", but there is no patient BB on the planet, huh? Hang in there.
Well, it's been 3 months since my 5-level fusion surgery. Doing much better and getting around with ease pretty well. Joined a low key fitness gym to do my cardio, still no weight training. The fusion is progressing very well. My surgeon is anti-weight training, even if you have no back issues or being fully healthy, go figure huh? Anyway Dude you have gone thru the toughest part. As everyone tells me, " BE PATIENT", but there is no patient BB on the planet, huh? Hang in there.

Good to hear from you Bro! Was yours lumbar? I know to be patient, but as you know its SO HARD! I've probably lost 25lbs. I feel like I could do some light stuff... I did some push-ups and sit-ups last night just to see how I felt. Other than being super weak, I felt OK.