The importance of proper research


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I've noticed over the years that very few people do the proper research when it comes to supps, AAS, peptides, etc. It always seems like people want to run this or take that but have no fckn clue or even want to take the time to research. The first thing I learned was to take the time really learn what your going to take will do and any sides that might come with it and how to stop any of those sides from happening. Knowledge is power
You are exactly right ..if you do a little investigation before you start any project it will be more perfect in the long run..I think also it's easier to obtain items than 15 yrs ago and that can be some of it..
I was just talking about this last night because a few guys at the gym will be off and then jump on and within a month they look like fucking toads. You can 100% without a doubt tell they are on, if done right, you can make great gains and not be so damn obvious, but people don't learn the proper ways to run things.
agree totally zeus. then when i try to help these guys, they all laugh at me and tell me i know nothing and someone from board x said theis so its golden. you have to just brush those types off, do you, and laugh at them at the end of the day. thats all you can do
Would you buy a house with out investigating it first? start a business without understanding it first? so why someone would get on gear without understanding or investigating it first is beyond me.
I don't mind trying things out supp wise but as far as gear, I spent a good year reading everything I can about it.
Look people are lazy, everybody wants everything handed to them. Knowledge is power but only when applied.
what really scares me actually is young kids getting their hands on this stuff and do it in hiding with no knowledge what so ever.
I've noticed over the years that very few people do the proper research when it comes to supps, AAS, peptides, etc. It always seems like people want to run this or take that but have no fckn clue or even want to take the time to research. The first thing I learned was to take the time really learn what your going to take will do and any sides that might come with it and how to stop any of those sides from happening. Knowledge is power

Train Your Mind To Build Your Body!!! Ive heard that before someplace, cant think of where, but it will come to me shortly.
It's crazy. I talk to these 18 19 yo kids that have no idea. They just wanna get big with out putting in the work. They'll listen to what some shady dealer tells them but they have no idea what they're getting in too.
What's funny to me is that everyone has different goals and people don't think of that. Like I'm on right now, but I'm not holding much water however my strength is up big time. A guy in the gym actually told a friend of mine that he can tell that I'm on, but I need to learn how to use it. The funny thing to me is this guy is probably 225 pounds of fat. Yea he's wide and has big arms, but his face looks like he had an air compressor shoved in his move and blew his cheeks out, his belly sticks out as far if not farther than his pecs. If that's the "result of doing it right" count me out