The Most Hated Man in Bodybuilding

I've seen that guy he's to BB as the Harlem globetrotters are to basketball IMO

When I get stuck talking to ppl about steroid use and all the myths I just agree. Shriveled balls yup! Tiny penis you betcha! Roid rage all the time! Stupid people are usually stupid cause they don't listen. So why waste ur time on them?
Giving this guy screen time here sucks. Someone delete this dumb shit. You guys are awesome and I look forward to reading your info but this guy is a douche bag not worthy of MC space
As messed up as his arms are, dude actually knows a thing or two about bodybuilding...

If nothing else, he speaks his mind, and doesn't pull punches when it comes to the truth.

If you haven't seen this, it's actually pretty good.

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He does know his shit, he looked pretty good in his younger days, good post.
More or less that point was whether you're raising or lowering your natural hormones, it's the same principle.

I on the other hand ask girls why they wear make up and they'll respond to make themselves look better I then the simple response is "well that's why I use steroids"
Thats a good one, I remember saying something similair like "you take birth control because getting pregnant would be a disaster. I take steroids because getting small would be my disaster"