The Power and Perils of Methyl-1-Testosterone (M-1-T)

Jayne Scott

Approved VIP
Methyl-1-Testosterone (M-1-T), is a potent anabolic steroid renowned for its significant muscle-building capabilities. Initially developed in the early 1960s, M-1-T saw a resurgence in popularity during the early 2000s due to its strong anabolic effects.

M-1-T is highly effective for rapid gains in muscle mass and strength, often producing visible results within a short timeframe. This makes it appealing to bodybuilders and athletes seeking quick performance enhancements.

However, its potency comes with notable side effects. The compound is methylated to pass through the liver, which can lead to severe hepatotoxicity, making liver protection a crucial aspect of any M-1-T cycle.

Additionally, users may experience significant suppression of natural testosterone production, necessitating thorough post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormonal balance.

The capabilities of M-1-T surpass those of any medical steroid currently available. As a derivative of Primobolan, methyldihydroboldenone does not undergo aromatization. Typically, this would suggest it builds high-quality, hard muscle. However, the majority of users of M-1-T have reported significant water retention, even when used in moderate doses.