The preworkout thread


New member
I have been using a lot of pre workouts over the last year so thought I would start this thread. I figured we could all post our favourite pre workouts and why. New ones come out all the time too so I can keep this thread updated. Although I am gonna calm them down alittle for health reasons but no chance I will be stopping. I should note I used to be extra sensitive to caffeine but over time that is the opposite now.

Here are a few I have tried in recent times each with a brief review...

GAT Nitraflex- Not impressed at all. I just had a 2 weeks break from caffeine too. Need to give it another week but so far doesn't do much. It's meant to have 325mg caffeine and 1.5g beta alanine per scoop but I don't feel either. Taste means nothing for pre workout's but I will say the pina colada is nice.

Gaspari SP250- Very good. Better for energy and focus than pumps bit overall a great pre workout. It did make me crash a bit later on though. I would get the shakes too. Ver strong even at just 1 scoop and it is not a 1 scoop formula.

Beast Yourself Raging Bull- Very good. On paper it is incredible but doesn't live on to that. Really good pumps and combined with an espresso it comes alive even more.

Lee Lebrada Super Charge Xtreme 4.0- Not impressed at all. I bought a big tub and I doubt I will even have half over 6 months. Not a cheap pre workout either. It's meant to have loads of caffeine in but I feel a single espresso more. Might be ok for some but definitely not for me.

Dorian Yates NOX Pump- Decent. I used this years ago and it was incredible. This time nowhere as good so the formula must be different (something got banned). Maybe better than decent as with an espresso I am an animal in the gym. This an a single espresso was a fav of mine for a while.

Cobra Labs The Curse- Fantastic. On paper this is the worst one. Very basic etc. I think it has 125mg caffeine and 5mg olive leaf extract. But I feel this a lot and it seems to get great reviews by most. Very cheap too. 2 scoops of this will make you a machine in the gym. 1 scoop (125mg caffeine) is stronger than Lee Lebrada's and Nitraflex that are suppose to have alsorts in including 325mg+ caffeine. Definitely recommend if you want something simple but effective.

GSN's NitroNOX Pro- Best pre workout I have ever taken. This is amazing for energy, pumps, mood etc. It has everything and I recommend it to anyone.

Matrix Nutrition NO Pump Xtreme- Amazing. This only has 80mg caffeine per scoop and is more a pump one. Incredible pumps and feel with a nice boost in energy. 2 scoops of this will give you ridiculous pumps and great energy. One of the best I have ever used.

MRI Black Powder- Crap. Not even worth writing more about. How can you fuck up a pre workout so much. 2 pro plus would be better.

Musclemeds NO BULL- Great product. Amazing for pumps and good energy. Feel very different but in a good way. Some of the best pumps ever but they fade away after 2 weeks or so.

Rich Piana's 5% Nutrition KILL IT- This one I only tried a sample so take this review with a pinch of salt. I wasn't impressed and expected/hoped for better as I like 5%. Didn't notice too much but again only a sample. I am gonna order a few of their products in the future so will get this to try out properly.

I have just order jym pre jym that is the best rated pre workout on It sounds great so I am hoping it is. I know nothuman just used that so maybe you can chime in. Their list is nothing to go by though as nitraflex is no.6 and No Explode is no.3. Although I see the Curse is no. 5 so pleased about that.

CT Fletcher's new pre workout looks good. Angeldust by Blackstone Labs looks decent too so I may give that a try.
A little off topic, but not really. I am trying to take a stimulant break....................Anyone recommend a good prework out or individual suppliment to use as a pre work out with no caffine or stimulant.

I current have tried.............choline, tadalafil ( pump) and ment
A little off topic, but not really. I am trying to take a stimulant break....................Anyone recommend a good prework out or individual suppliment to use as a pre work out with no caffine or stimulant.

I current have tried.............choline, tadalafil ( pump) and ment

I've used ProSupps Dr. Jekyll for just this reason (since I workout usually around 6pm) but it does still contain about 100 mgs of caffeine. It worked okay, but it wasn't as impressive as Mr. Hyde, which worked very well for me but was making it nearly impossible to get to sleep at a decent hour.

I think my favorite so far is 1 More Rep because of the mental focus it seems to give me.
Thanks for the info. I usually use TNE along with Stok coffee shots....

I recently bought a Nespresso machine and I am addicted. It's the main reason I have built up such a high tolerance to caffeine over the last few months. Although recently I had a 2 week break and only gonna have 1 per day from now on.
A little off topic, but not really. I am trying to take a stimulant break....................Anyone recommend a good prework out or individual suppliment to use as a pre work out with no caffine or stimulant.

I current have tried.............choline, tadalafil ( pump) and ment

There are so many great supplements you can take pre workout. In the past I was over sensitive to caffeine so would make my own formulas with little or no stimulants added. Try looking into agmatine sulfate, citrulline malate, arginine nitrate, pycnogenol, taurine etc. Then of course your tadalafil and add in 50mg adrol powder :D

- - - Updated - - -

I've used ProSupps Dr. Jekyll for just this reason (since I workout usually around 6pm) but it does still contain about 100 mgs of caffeine. It worked okay, but it wasn't as impressive as Mr. Hyde, which worked very well for me but was making it nearly impossible to get to sleep at a decent hour.

I think my favorite so far is 1 More Rep because of the mental focus it seems to give me.

Everyone rates HYDE highly but I have yet to try... I will do soon though :)
I just ordered Cobra The Curse, should have it in a few days, will report back on this thread my reveiw
NO Explode, I thought the orgiinal was better than version 2
Optimum Pre-WO I thought was pretty good

As a gym owner, I get sent free samples quite often, wish I'd remember the better ones...I know a cheap way is Wal Mrt has these energy packets to blend in water....then I add in a caffeine capsule and I have energy!!

In a pinch, good old fashioned 3 cups of coffee works too!!
I just ordered Cobra The Curse, should have it in a few days, will report back on this thread my reveiw
NO Explode, I thought the orgiinal was better than version 2
Optimum Pre-WO I thought was pretty good

As a gym owner, I get sent free samples quite often, wish I'd remember the better ones...I know a cheap way is Wal Mrt has these energy packets to blend in water....then I add in a caffeine capsule and I have energy!!

In a pinch, good old fashioned 3 cups of coffee works too!!

Cobra Labs have brought out a new pre workout and it sounds stronger. I looked at their site and the Curse has changed it's formula from when I used it too. It sounds better (still not fantatic) but I bet it is great. I was surprised how good the old formula was as on paper it didn't sound good at all. Please do report back as I am curious how you find it. What flavour did you get?

I have posted this thread on a few forums and by far HYDE gets the best reviews so I will be using that next. I received my PRE JYM today so will try that out 2moro and will report back :)
Long story short I will be trying my new one for the first time 2moro and not today like I had planned. Here is the tub...

Its funny how different products effects others different. I get use to them and have to take a break from them.

Exactly. I also think it is unfair to judge a product when you have been taking another for 1 month straight then just swop over. It's always best to cycle stimulants. I had to have a 2 week break recently because pretty much everything would have little effect on me.
I used the PRE JYM today before training shoulders and tri-ceps. It's orange mango flavour and tasted nice. I can see why they recommend lots of water with it (very sweet). Anyway I am not impressed :o Maybe if I had 2 months off caffeine and tried it I would be raving about it... I doubt it though. The thing with these pre workouts though it's not just about caffeine. The NitroNOX contains a few things and the focus you get from that is ridiculous. Caffeine can and will increase focus but not in the way other ingredients can. The added huperzine a helped matters but still not impressed. I got a good pump so overall it's a decent product but I expected more. It does remind me of Nutrex outlift in many ways. I might try just over 1 scoop 2moro and see how that goes.

Just adding I also got some Ronnie Coleman Amino-Tone in Cherry Lemonade and that was good. But just added 1 1/2 scoops to a large natural yoghurt and that was amazing. That is my new fav snack now :)
I have been using lipodrene (ephedra and caffeine) for years as a preworkout, on top of NO Xplode. But my latest fav is Old Jack (I have a huge caffeine tolerance) great pumps with it!
Original CRAZE in a league of it's own nothing else even comes close!

Now if you go to the dark side...

100mcg of MC igf1-lr3 + 1ML 75tne/25dBOL boom!
I tried just over a scoop of PRE JYM and the same thing. I was training my gf so it wasn't the best of workouts but even after I put her on the exercise bike so I could train properly I didn't feel much from it. Interestingly though I struggled to sleep yesterday after taking it so it stays with you awhile just isn't that strong to me.

Nothing ever bothers me but I guess the fact I have 4 nearly full tubs of pre workout above me whilst I read this is a bit of a waste. I guess I will just go for the strongest ones from now on or maybe have 2 months off caffeine. I only have about 5 coffees a week now though and my 1 serving of pre workout before the gym. I had a kazaar nespresso the other day which is meant to be 120mg caffeine and I was flying in the gym. Some of these products definitely don't contain whats on the label though.

HYDE will be next. I will still use the PRE JYM as it's a decent product but not everyday.

Ronnie Coleman Amino Tone is a complete success though. I bought IntraMD too but saving that for a special occasion :D
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I trained chest and tri-ceps today and decided to use one of my older pre workouts. I went with the Gaspari SP250 and have probably left it a little too long as it had gone all lumpy but obviously still gtg. This one hits me hard and I only used just over 1 scoop. It says 1-2 scoops on the back so I will have to try more sometime. In the past when I done 1 1/2 scoops it was too strong as I would get the shakes post workout.

I needed the energy today... some bad news from home etc so I wasn't at my mental best. I wanted to go though so I watched a few vids on you-tube and took it then left for the gym. I had a great workout and pushed it. My strength is starting to come back. I have never been the strongest with my chest but I done 3 plates a side on barbell incline chest press (high incline too). It felt great and I got a personal trainer to spot me. He couldn't spot though as before I had fully failed he was helping it back up. I said my bar though and done some negatives with his help to get it back up. I also done some 26kg db chest flyes for high reps. I never push the weight in that movement but gonna start.

I am on a pre workout high. Just replied to about 30 pm's in 30 mins whilst listening to Celine Dion and the Bee Gees... sad but true :o:D Definitely gonna use the SP250 2moro when I train legs.
I tried 1 1/2 scoops of Gaspari SP250 tonight and it was great. I just destroyed legs but I am wiped out. I can barely move :o