The preworkout thread

I tried 1 1/2 scoops of Gaspari SP250 tonight and it was great. I just destroyed legs but I am wiped out. I can barely move :o

I'm going to have to give the SP250 a shot. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on Hyde. I remember I used it once and got stuck in an unsolicited conversation at the gym before starting my workout and while praying for the dude to stop talking, I felt something tickling my sides and looked down to see beads of sweat racing down my torso, and that was before touching a bar lol
I'm going to have to give the SP250 a shot. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on Hyde. I remember I used it once and got stuck in an unsolicited conversation at the gym before starting my workout and while praying for the dude to stop talking, I felt something tickling my sides and looked down to see beads of sweat racing down my torso, and that was before touching a bar lol

That sounds like my kind of pre workout :)

Synthetine makes me sweat loads too so I will be a complete mess :D
I just started using Evolution Nutritions BCAA Energy cause I got it for BOGO. It may not give you the insane energy rush you get from other stuff but the pumps are great and I had great endurance on it. Plus it has a high amount of Leucine for protein synthesis and some other good pre ingredients
. I have a bunch of bpi 1mr that I mix with it when I'm really dragging ass. Although I wouldn't recommend that, I just have an insane tolerance to stims lol
I have got myself in a bad sleeping routine and slept a lot in the daytime earlier. So my plan is to stay awake all night and go the gym at 8am. I will go to bed early 2moro so will be back in a good routine and will stay in it. Gonna try Nitraflex again but a bigger serving... I am gonna need it :D
I stayed up all night and done a few things in the morning before leaving for the gym. It's been so cold here but it was strangely sunny today and a beautiful day. I walked over Lake Geneva and the feeling I got is why I am happy to live here. Although the 2 scoops of PRE JYM I had just taken could have added to things :D That's 600mg caffiene in an already tired state so I was flying.

I had a great workout and trained back and done a mixture of heavy and light. I managed to get 10 reps out on low bar rows with 5 plates each side. 2 scoops also has 100mcg huperzine a in so that definitely added to things. Although for such an amount it wasn't like it hit me super hard. Trying to give a comparison but hard to do as I would never drink so many nespressos. But the kazaar is suppose to have 120mg caffiene in. I know for a fact if I had 3 of those in one go I would probably have a breakdown in the gym and thats 360mg caffeine. 2 of them and I would be on fire so it just shows you.

One thing I did notice from the 2 scoops is the pump. It got to a stage were I couldn't lift anymore as my forearms would give in. I tried to do cable rows at the end of my back workout but the pump was too much.
I used 1 1/2 scoops of Nitraflex tonight and had an amazing workout. Although I was amped up and ready to go before I had even had a sip of the nitraflex. I trained for over 2 hours and hard too. I wasn't wired from the extra 1/2 scoop but it tonnes better than 1 scoop only. I done 30kg db flyes so I was pleased with that. That was after heavy decline presses, heavy smith incline presses, weighted dips and cable crossovers.

I feel wired now though. Just had an nespresso :D
Today I had one of my favourite combo's. Not had it for ages and had an amazing workout and felt great. I could have trained for 4 hours non stop if I wanted to. Plus I trained hard... I actually threw up in my mouth doing quads :o:D I also got 7 slow reps with 3 plates a side for incline barbell presses so was pleased with that. My chest is my weakest bodypart and I am building my strength back up. I trained at 5pm and it is 4am now and I still feel great :D

Anway I had 1 sachet of Dorian Yates NOX Pump walking into the gym. Plus my gym has a coffee machine and I took a Kazaar Nespresso pod and had that just after getting in the gym. Clean energy and good focus with a great pump. I only have 1 sachet left so going to save it. I bought a box with 30 sachets and have had it for ages.
I was tired today and took 2 scoops of Lee Lebrada Super charge. I think thats 450mg caffeine and well it didn't feel strong to me. I had a great workout but I really had to push myself. Whereas with a great pre workout it would push me without me even trying.

I am gonna look at some supplements now and maybe make a small order :D
I have Kaged Muscle Pre-Kaged, ErgoGenix ErgoBlast and GAT PMP on the way. All in the name of research :D

I would have ordered HYDE but the company I used had sold out. I will get that soon though.
There's still some products around with the old DMAA formula that got banned. There's one called Old Jack, which is strange because it's called Old Jack and has the same formula as the old (banned) Jack3d, but it's a different company altogether. I currently use it and it's like a feeling of nostalgia from the old Jack3d when your face gets tingly and you get that kill people feeling. Then there's the inevitable road rage on the way home from the gym because you're way overstimulated for sitting in a car.

Oh I've missed it.
There's still some products around with the old DMAA formula that got banned. There's one called Old Jack, which is strange because it's called Old Jack and has the same formula as the old (banned) Jack3d, but it's a different company altogether. I currently use it and it's like a feeling of nostalgia from the old Jack3d when your face gets tingly and you get that kill people feeling. Then there's the inevitable road rage on the way home from the gym because you're way overstimulated for sitting in a car.

Oh I've missed it.

I remember someone else mentioning that and I actually thought about it earlier (before reading your post). Thanks for posting. I will look that product up now as I never used Jack3d. Years ago I stayed away from high stimulants due to sensitivity. I would love to try it :)
The other day I tried 2 scoops of SP-250 as I had stayed awake all night and gone the gym in the morning. I had an amazing workout and the SP-250 definitely made the difference. I find it crazy that they recommend 1-2 scoops on the label as to me 2 scoops is way too strong for most people. Maybe I am just sensitive to one of the ingredients but I always crash hard from 2 scoops. I can have 600mg caffeine and be fine and no crash but that stuff hits me hard everytime. With 1 scoop I am fine but 1.5-2 scoops and the crash always happens. I was on the bus and started sweating bad... it's like going hypo. I did have slin but no hypo at all as I have felt the exact same off slin too when using larger amounts. I got in and my top was soaked through so definitely be careful going too high with SP250. It's a great pre workout though for energy and focus just use with caution.
If you guys used to love Angel dust and original jak3d. With the 1-3 DMAA
ive just heard that mesmorph by APS has geranium oil extract in it. (DMAA) ��
As soon as I heard about it from a good guy some know him as wes on here I ordered 2.