The Sport of Bodybuilding Fans, I need your Opinion.


The Myth vs. The Austrian Oak, first some history...Sergio was Mr.O from "67" to "69" he ran uncontested and unchallenged in 1968. And beating Arnold in "69" in 1970 ,Joe Weider (the Don King of I.F.B.B. i.m.o.) Switched judges at the last minute, and Arnold won, in "71" Sergio was banned from competition by Don I mean Joe Weider for competing in .N.A.B.B.A. Mr.Universe. In 1972 Sergio was ba k in the best shape of his life, a ripped 250, 10lbs heavier than normal The Oak was at 235lbs, once again Weider switches judges at the last minute, Arnold wins. I will concede 1 bodypart Arnolds back MIGHT have been a little better, Might. IM not trying to take anything away from Arnold, he did more for the sport of B.B. Than anyone, i respect his effort, brutal routines, and intensity , that being said Sergio would work a 12hr. Day and train after work. Anyway, if you go to you tube and put in Sergio vs Arnold there are plenty of side by side pics for comparisons. I would be interested on who (if you were judging that day) would have won/lost and why. Thnx
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The Myth vs. The Austrian Oak, first some history...Sergio was Mr.O from "67" to "69" in beating Arnold in "69" in 1970 ,Joe Weider (the Don King of I.F.B.B. i.m.o.) Switched judges at the last minute, and Arnold won, in "71" Sergio was banned from competition by Don I mean Joe Weider for competing in .N.A.B.B.A. Mr.Universe. In 1972 Sergio was ba k in the best shape of his life, a ripped 250, 10lbs heavier than normal The Oak was at 235lbs, once again Weider switches judges at the last minute, Arnold wins. I will concede 1 bodypart Arnolds back MIGHT have been a little better, Might. IM not trying to take anything away from Arnold, he did more for the sport of B.B. Than anyone, i respect his effort, brutal routines, and intensity , that being said Sergio would work a 12hr. Day and train after work. Anyway, if you go to you tube and put in Sergio vs Arnold there are plenty of side by side pics for comparisons. I would be interested on who (if you were judging that day) would have won/lost and why. Thnx

Well i dont know much about the judges being switched or any of the politics of that era so i cant speak to that!

However, I dont think Arnold has done nearly enough for bodybuilding in my opinion, he dropped the ball in that regard
sergio killed arnold in terms of genetics to me thats no question but bodybuilding has always been political and i think the powers that be knew arnold was more of a showman and a crowd drawer
Well i dont know much about the judges being switched or any of the politics of that era so i cant speak to that!

However, I dont think Arnold has done nearly enough for bodybuilding in my opinion, he dropped the ball in that regard
This is well documented, ive read this several times, one place for sure is google Segio Olivia under Wikipedia. Alot of guys go to the gym and lift, and thats cool, i get into the history of the sport bodybuilding, history of anabolics, nutrition, research and development, im just fascinated on how the human body and how it builds muscle. If i was a scientist/chemist i would spend my life working on a way to alter myostatin .
It is true that Sergio had a job requiring a lot of heavy manual labor, yet he was still able to train AND recuperate. Some of the best genetics in the history of bodybuilding.
The politics for that show were huge, even then. I think Arnold alluded to that in his 'Education of a Bodybuilder' book. I personally think Sergio would have won had the judges not been switched.
The politics for that show were huge, even then. I think Arnold alluded to that in his 'Education of a Bodybuilder' book. I personally think Sergio would have won had the judges not been switched.
Your right, Weider banned Sergio in "72" for competing in N.A.B.B.A. Mr. universe the year before, Arnold did the same thing 2 yrs prior. I think he might have retired undefeated if Weider wasn't corrupt. Prior to the bullshit he only lost 1 show his first, came in 2nd place but got most muscular award.
It is true that Sergio had a job requiring a lot of heavy manual labor, yet he was still able to train AND recuperate. Some of the best genetics in the history of bodybuilding.
True, hr work at a steel mill in Chicago, workin 10-13 hrs a week then training at the Y for 2.5-3hrs. He always had a good work ethic tho. He worked with his dad in the sugar cane fields when he was 12,, he started lifting weights with his buddy, and in 6 mos. Had a clean and jerk with over 300lbs, and a 1000 lb total in the Olympic style lifting. At 16 he lied about his age to join Batistas army and fought against Fidel Castro and communism. On a weightlifting meet in Jamaica he difected and sought political asylum. Then moved to chicago, after the steelmill, he retired as a chicago police officer after 25 yrs. The reason i he's my fav. bodybuilder is , back then when you looked at the muscle mags id be amazed at the size of these guys, I seen a picture of "THE MYTH" and my jaw dropped he didn't look real to me lol,
Big Z mentioned education of a bodybuilder by Arnold he said when he seen Sergio for the 1st time he immediately lost his PUMP! And knew he was in 2nd. Hes the only Mr.O in history that his thighs measured bigger than his waist... Thighs-32"... Waiste-28...also in 72 (when Weider swithed a judge) his chest was 30" bigger than his waist...chest..-58" waist-28-biggest Mr.O arms and forearms...Arms flexed23"...forearms-21"...his arms measured bigger than his head.! Wish i had that cuz i have a big ass head. Oh, 1 other thing his wife put 5 bullets into his upper body (front) and he drove himself to the hospital. Now thats a BAD MOTHERFUCKER!!! ( the gun was a .38 special)
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