Iron Game

Gold Member

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WEEK 1-4:
1) 1000mg Testosterone blend-sustanon (500mg twice per week)
2) 600mg Methenolone enanthate (300mg twice per week)
3) 400mg Parabolan (trenbolone hexa-200mg twice per week)
4) hGH 4iu AM 30′ before breakfast
5) 1000mg metformin with breakfast
6) 12.5μg T3 & 12.5μg T4 with breakfast
7) 25mg ephedrine HCL-200mg caffeine-500mg aspirin preworkout
8) 20μg clenbuterol HCL with breakfast & 20μg with lunch
9) 1mg anastrozole ED
10) 50mg mesterolone with breakfast & 50mg preworkout

Week 1-4 Notes: Ιn the cutting cycle, I start with the testosterone blend (sustanon), since the propionate ester enters into the system rapidly from the first days. Methenolone enanthate (primobolan) is a relatively weak, but non toxic injectable androgen, with a slow ester. Parabolan is a faster version of trenbolone enanthate, administrated twice per week. It is the only version of trenbolone for human use. HGH is used without the combination of insulin. The use of metformin (glucophage) ensures that there is no glycemia, as a result of somatropin use. The combination of the thyroid hormones will improve fat burning process. However, decreasing the overall dosage will ensure there is no stress to myocardium and muscle wasting. Triodothyronone (T3) is more potent, but with a shorter half life. On the contrary, thyroxine (T4) is weaker, with prolonged half life, but it is essential for proper thyroid function. The combination of sympatheticomimetics (ephedrine, clenbuterol HCL) with adrenergic action, will ensure thermogenesis, supressed appetite, fat burning and high intensity workouts. The combination of anastrozole (arimidex) along with mesterolone (proviron) on a daily basis, will ensure that aromatization is low, thus definition is enhanced.

WEEK 5-8:
1) 800mg testosterone propionate EOD (200mg four times per week)
2) 400mg drostanolone propionate EOD (100mg four times per week)
3) 400mg trenbolone acetate EOD (100mg four times per week)
4) hGH 4iu AM 30′ before breakfast
5) 1000mg metformin with breakfast
6) 12.5μg T3 & 12.5μg T4 with breakfast
7) 25mg ephedrine HCL-200mg caffeine-500mg aspirin preworkout
8) 20μg clenbuterol HCL with breakfast & 20μg with lunch plus 1mg ketotifen
9) 2.5mg letrozole ED
10) 50mg mesterolone with breakfast & 50mg preworkout

Week 5-8 Notes: The cycle proceeds with the faster version of testosterone (propionate). In this phase, I add the synthetic injectable version of DHT, drostanolone propionate, that also resembles the fast acting testosterone version. Masteron is also antiestrogenic activity, apart from its androgenic. Therefore, aromatization is kept low. Both AAS are administrated every other day. In this phase I also add the fast version of trenbolone, administrated on every other day. As a result, all three injectable oil solutions can get into the same syringe, which is more convenient. The rest of the cycle follows as the previous weeks schedule. The only change involves the aromatase inhibitor. I add letrozole, which is a step further in terms of potency.

WEEK 9-10:
1) 600mg testosterone suspension ED (100mg MON-SAT)
2) 400mg drostanolone propionate EOD (100mg four times per week)
3) 400mg trenbolone acetate EOD (100mg four times per week)
4) 300mg stanozolol ED (50mg MON-SAT)
5) hGH 4iu AM 30′ before breakfast
6) 1000mg metformin with breakfast
7) 12.5μg T3 & 12.5μg T4 with breakfast
8) 25mg ephedrine HCL-200mg caffeine-500mg aspirin preworkout
9) 20μg clenbuterol HCL with breakfast & 20μg with lunch plus 1mg ketotifen
10.) 25 mg exemestane ED

Week 9-10 Notes: This is the moment where the fastest version of testosterone enters into the game. Water based suspension is used on a daily basis, preferably pre-workout, just before leaving home on the way to the gym. Masteron will ensure there is no aromatization, plus extra androgenicity, making the body to look harder and ripped. Injectable stanozolol enters the game as well, a very strong anabolic agent. It could be easily mixed in one syringe together with testosterone suspension. Of course it requires a daily administration, preferably prior to the gym. The rest of the cycle follows, as the previous weeks. The only addition is ketotifen, a beta 2 agonist that boosts clenbuterol results. B2 adrenergic receptors usually do not respond after a couple of days, in case there is no change in dosage. In order to avoid an overdose, the addition of ketotifen will ensure effectiveness of clenbuterol.

WEEK 11-12:
1) 600mg drostanolone propionate EOD (100mg MON-SAT)
2) 400mg trenbolone acetate EOD (100mg four times per week)
3) 50mg fluoxymesterone ED (10mg with breakfast,10mg with lunch,20mg preworkout sublingualy,10mg with dinner)
4) 50mg stanozolol ED (10mg with breakfast,10mg with lunch,20mg preworkout sublingualy,10mg with dinner)
5) 50mg oxandrolone ED (10mg with breakfast,10mg with lunch,20mg preworkout sublingualy,10mg with dinner)
6) 100mg mesterolone ED (25mg with breakfast,50mg preworkout,25mg with dinner)
7) 25mg exemestane ED
8) 25mg ephedrine HCL-200mg caffeine-500mg aspirin preworkout
9) 20μg clenbuterol HCL with breakfast & 20μg with lunch plus 1mg ketotifen

Week 11-12 Notes: The final two weeks before the show we quit testosterone and we keep the drugs that do not aromatize. Somatropin clears the game, due to water retention and possible edema. Drostanolone (masteron), trenbolone, stanozolol per os (winstrol), oxandrolone (anavar), mesterolone (proviron) and fluoxymesterone (halotestin), will ensure there is water retention and estrogenic activity. The addition of exemestane, a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, will crush estrogens, leaving no possibility of a smooth physique. CNS stimulants remain, until the last days of carb depletion. Finally diuretics (spironolactone-furosemide) shall be used with moderation and extra caution, to give the shredded and dry look. I do not personally recommend that anybody tries this extreme cutting cycle, which is similar to what is utilized by many professional bodybuilders during contest preparation.

By George Touliatos