things not to do while on clen...


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Gold Member
1) - shave your balls
2) - eat soup in front of coworkers
3) - dial your cell phone while driving, big fingers, small buttons you get the idea

add your own to the list
4) Don't have any Redline (lol..seriously ended up in the ER)

That's about all I can think of. Never liked Clen, makes me want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

LOL... clen gets me all shakey.. can't regulate it in my body at all.. i tremble, and my voice trembles too.. my brain flakes out and i space.. can't focus on clen AT ALL
It's best not to work on aircraft when you're on clen. Nothing better than spending an extra 2 hours tearing apart a section of the aircraft to get a screw your cracked out hands dropped!
*N.V.S* said:
Wish it did that to me. I sleep like a baby on it.


I wish it did that for me. My heart pounds so hard it shakes the bed. My wife actually got a little concerned the other day because she felt it.

Mike, that list was too funny, lol!
I work in graphic design so it's also hard to draw straight lines on clen. My illustrations come out all whacked.
saudades said:
I work in graphic design so it's also hard to draw straight lines on clen. My illustrations come out all whacked.

I'm an art director/creative director myself so I know all too well what you mean bro!
Never tried it, but i do feel similar when i wake up stil cocked from the night before!!
Guys I trained at 1am this morning, you know how us Texas boys get down, had a redline (NVS) before training and usually I would go back home shower, eat and sleep till 6:30then up for work. Not today my eyes have been peeled open all night, Im walking around like Kramer when he had to much coffee and my girl said I wouldnt shut up. I gotta get some solid sack time tonite.
dont try to take an injection of anything while on clen. or at least try to find a large target area. you wont hit the bullseye though.
yeah I rearranged my order and now start the process with my injections and then take my clen after they're all done!
i work in the medical field, so i'm guessin startin IV's in the ER is out of the i'll just aim for the big one in the
sonoma_8 said:
i work in the medical field, so i'm guessin startin IV's in the ER is out of the i'll just aim for the big one in the

lol, i would shit bricks if someone was shaking like on clen and trying to start an IV or draw blood,lmao