Thinking about buying a smith machine


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have looked online and am contemplating ordering a smith machine. I need something to do squats safely at home and it would be nice to have a way not to be scared to death doing heavy benches alone. Anywhere to buy good used stuff and get it shipped you guys know of?
I have no clue, but I just had to say... JEALOUS!! If I were rich, I would want my own gym in my house or at the very least some key elements like a bench, weights and of course a smith machine!

Good luck getting that together! :)
I have a bench/squat rack combo in my basement I'll use every now and then, I wish I had more room though and I'd have day.
You could call around to local gyms and see if any of them are upgrading equipment any time soon. Might be able to pick up a used one for cheap and it would be local.
I agree with Chuck... ebay or craigslist would probably be easiest to find one. If nothing else, Google. When I want to find something, I goto google and search it, then if nothing jumps out, I click on the "shopping" link on the top.
Just keep watching ebay and craigslist. I have been buying gym equipment for the last year off ebay and craigslist. Just don't settle for some junk. If you spend the money get a good one. You can find it cheaper than the store bought stuff. I have had a couple smiths. I had a hoist angled one and really did not like it. A found another one and bought it a few weeks ago. It is a Cybex and is just a straight smith (not angled). I think they are around 3-4K new. I bought it on craigslist for $400. If you just keep watching and checking, you will find good deals when gyms go out of business. My problem is getting motivated enough to work out at home. I still go to the gym even though I have all the equipment I need.
A good Smith machine is a great equipment to perform lots of exercises safe, with good form and heavy. The best Acquisition ever.
Thats what I thought Heinz. I figure I would rather invest a grand and get one than spend that in two years for membership at a gym with no equipment here.
Yea buddy, I've wanted to order one for years now. Make sure its commercial though and be prepared to shell out about a grand (at elast). Ebay is a great source. Once in a while you can find a gym going out of business and find a used commercial one locally.

I'm very jealous BTW
Hmmm...I wonder how my wife would react to my buying one of those machines. It would be nice to have my own workout room.