This gets old...

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i'm sure you guys get this a lot too, but i get so tired of people only talking to me about working out and muscles and shit. it's like i have no other interests or talents outside of bodybuilding. i don't mean to have a pity party here, just wanting to hear your opinions too.

speaking of which...what else do you guys enjoy doing outside of bodybuilding?
you know...nobody talks about bodybuilding around me.only talks[shit] about bodybuilding,they all think bodybuilders are asshole.
Yeah, my new nickname at work is Balco. It's cool though, I just smile and say some rediculous statement that they believe like, "Steriods, hell no...I wouldn't take the easy way out." Or, "I don't want my dick to shrink."
you should show him or her that wasn't true.

Shit, honestly say he or she was sexually harrassing you and repeat the statement to your boss. They would be fired on the spot and be embarrased as hell. Image what they'd have to tell their family.
I just got a new Honda so one of my new hobbies is making it into a lil rice racer, my friend has a prelude with the 2.2 VTEC and I have the Civic with the 1.6 VTEC, and my girl has a 2000 Civic
all of them are black and all have limo black tinted windows.

They bought there new I bought a very used one and burned myself for a week rebuilding it to functioning condition.

As far as What people say about our body building, I've heard the stories but no one says stuff like that to me.
I kinda have a very bad reputation in this part of the state, that is completely and totally unfounded, I guess you could say I'm the victim of an urban legend. Even though I have never even committed a class a misdemeanor, well ever been caught committing one.
hongkongguy said:

I used to spin when I was younger, had a production company, turned into a record label, in 98 I pressed my first vinyl "The Mighty Big Britches EP"

I'm listening to some of my old skool mixes right now on DAT
How much can you bench? Classic question. How the fuck should I know? I just ask how much they can bench, then say.....well it is defenitly more than that! lol
I like that Saks I just went to the gym to check membership costs
and I was by far the biggest guy there, that was nice. It was prolly just this time of morning though
Man, some people only ever ask questions about diet or training anytime you see them. It's like they have no other way to relate to you. I'm just thinking 'yeah, i already answered this question the last time i saw you. at least come up with a new one.'

i don't really do anything during the week besides work and watch movies or something at night. On the weekends i party (too much, probably) and maybe play some sports or watch sports. I just don't seem to have time for much else anymore.
I just hate the ignorant people who ask stupid questions again and again. Working out is my hobby and I love talking about it. It gets me away from the rest of the boring world. Also I have very few friends who go to the gym so it's tough to actually find someone to have an intelligent conversation about it with without getting...why do you want to be that big? or any other ignorant questions people come up with. I love finding someone who actually knows what they are talking about and can share information about the sport.
That's the main question I'm asked, even by my wife--why do you want to be that big? I like the confidence I have built along with my body, and I have found I get a kind of automatic respect from people that I never had when I was thin. Even my wife has told me that she wouldn't have married me if I was as thin as I was in my before pictures (I'll have to get them posted).
i went out to the bar a few weeks ago (something i NEVER do) and was over run by idiots (must have been free cover if youre a moron)

the last guy to piss me off walks by and gives me the classic "punch in the arm and the nod".......:angry:

he got the classic "shot in the head" for doing it:D

the one i always get is "how big are your arms?" one guy tried to tell me that his buddy had 28 inch arms!!!!!!!!
Saks said:
Queen what he failed to tell you was 28" is the total for both!

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

i figured he got his IQ mixed up with his arm size:D
I over heard a guy at the gym say he was 340 at one time last night. I have known him for some time now and his stories to me only ever went up to 275. Wow what a jump in stories. I could see 250-260 on him but come on? Anyway the guy he told that to relpyed "and that was all natural too, right?" I almost shit myself, because the guy just shut up right there.
CzarShel said:
I used to spin when I was younger, had a production company, turned into a record label, in 98 I pressed my first vinyl "The Mighty Big Britches EP"

I'm listening to some of my old skool mixes right now on DAT

what you mean'when you was young" ? you still young right now right??:D i think i am do it differently,i do scratching......
i do alot of hunting and fishing.
people that know me are starting to ask questions about how im getting so strong!! :)
blacktail said:
i do alot of hunting and fishing.
people that know me are starting to ask questions about how im getting so strong!! :)

tell them from wrestling the bald headed champ,lol,