this is what dealing gets you


New member
i stopped to visit my mom in my old home town and was thumbing through the paper and noticed a drug trafficker got 18 years--the guys name is adam r--and he had 5000 vials of ketamine in his trunk--i guess he was a well known steroid, X, and oxycontin dealer from massachuetts--i hope no one knew him--but not having a job and driving a cady puts the red flags up every time--if you deal keep a low profile--- the local paper sucks so they don't have a website link
Damn....i'm from Massachusetts, i know that it's been pretty bad with the oxycontin, and X in the past year, but i didn't know they got that much time....:eek:
Maybe them stupid dumb fuckers hould concentrate on catch ing these paedophilic child kidnapper,murderurs instead of some juice monkey....wastes my tax$$$
Its the oxy that fukked him. they are really coming down hard on that and X right now...cause these stupid fukin punk kids OD on that shit and then their parents who didn't keep track of there kids blame the drugs for there childs death....society and pretty much anyone in general...instead of taking some of the blame...nothing worse than bad parents..........456
having anything under a scheduled III drug is just stupid.

PCP, X, K, are guaranteed to get you a long time in jail. When you think about 5000 vials, that's about 150,000$ worth of k, which would go for a lot more than that on the street.
That shit is bad news. That stuff will fuck your life up faster than anything. I have been there. That is what really gives steroids a bad name, when a guy gets popped with all that shit and he also sells steroids. Then people think of them the same as all those bullshit drugs.
zoop said:
Maybe them stupid dumb fuckers hould concentrate on catch ing these paedophilic child kidnapper,murderurs instead of some juice monkey....wastes my tax$$$

i agree. our laws are ass backwards. child molestors get probation for their crimes and this guy gets 18 years? cmon, wheres the justice in that?
Scary story. That's why I look out for my supply and no one else's. But thank god someone else is selling or we'd all be gearless!