This Proves I don't know Jack About Sex lol

damn i only got 4 out of 13 questions correct

And please dont think of this as bragging cause im not hung like a horse, however if its true that mens erections avarage 5-6 inches then the study is flawed, my softy sits at 5 inches and im nearly 8 inches hard, and i dont think i have a big cock AT ALL! Maybe I have watched way too many pornos or something,lol but a 5 or 6 inch erection doesnt sound right at all and i have heard this before.

Maybe smaller guys like 5'5 - 5'11 are different maybe? maybe the size of the size of the guy over all height and weight plays a big role in the differrance? and maybe it just doesnt look so big at 6'3, i dont know but i am self concious of my dick at my size, so something sounds off

All i know is it doesnt sound right at all , cause i feel avarage at best at 7-8 inches hard.

I know its a werid topic but you guys surelyhave to agree these numbers are flawed unless they were studied in China or someshit,lol
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oh and not to beat a dead horse, but i made the MISTAKE of asking my wife how big her exes dick was in the beginning of our relationship, and she made the mistake of telling me the truth,lmao. I wish i never asked put it that way
That's the same score I got. :uhoh:

I think it is about right if it is average. In porno's it is always the skinny fuckers with the massive shlongs. I'm 5-8 and not 8" so I wonder if it has to do with height. I'm a stocky 5-8 and penis to match. Thanks Presser, now I'll be sizing guys up:nope:
oh and not to beat a dead horse, but i made the MISTAKE of asking my wife how big her exes dick was in the beginning of our relationship, and she made the mistake of telling me the truth,lmao. I wish i never asked put it that way

I learned not to ask questions about ex's real quick. Which comes to prove questions about size that it doesn't matter.
That's the same score I got. :uhoh:

I think it is about right if it is average. In porno's it is always the skinny fuckers with the massive shlongs. I'm 5-8 and not 8" so I wonder if it has to do with height. I'm a stocky 5-8 and penis to match. Thanks Presser, now I'll be sizing guys up:nope:

lol, sizing guys up,lol, see you have a stocky cock, i dont have much by the way of girth, so maybe it all evens out in the end,lol

And yes those porno guys are fucking rediculous, I would sell my soul to the devil for one of those porn cocks!
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I learned not to ask questions about ex's real quick. Which comes to prove questions about size that it doesn't matter.

lol yeah well i was pretty much ready for any answer other then the one she gave me in a foot long dick! You wanna talk about feeling inadequate for a while, lmao! then hearing storys from others on how hung this prick was ,lol
I don't think this relates accurately to guys like us. I'm being honest when I say guys like us do get the best looking and most desirable women most of the time. Those answers may be applicable to the masses, but we are anything but as are the women we date / marry. I think we expect to be in the upper percentiles as well as the women we choose.
I got 5 right and I'm now leaving the conversation since Presser just had to turn this into a penis thread
I don't think this relates accurately to guys like us. I'm being honest when I say guys like us do get the best looking and most desirable women most of the time. Those answers may be applicable to the masses, but we are anything but as are the women we date / marry. I think we expect to be in the upper percentiles as well as the women we choose.

I agree. I married way the hell out of my league.
I don't think this relates accurately to guys like us. I'm being honest when I say guys like us do get the best looking and most desirable women most of the time. Those answers may be applicable to the masses, but we are anything but as are the women we date / marry. I think we expect to be in the upper percentiles as well as the women we choose.

I've got to agree because I'd like to think all of my ex's are good looking, not great (except my current gf), but good and NONE of them liked chest hair or any other body hair for that matter. And that's not to mention getting deca dick and experiencing "erectile dysfunction," but not from a medical condition
I got 5 right and I'm now leaving the conversation since Presser just had to turn this into a penis thread

lol, it was one of the qeustions in the test unless we all got different questions,lol, and i wasnt trying to turn it into a cock thread,lol, i just thought everyone would think it was a flawed test with flawed answers,lol, didnt mean to hurt ur feeling BIG guy, so u got 5' who cares,lol
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I've got to agree because I'd like to think all of my ex's are good looking, not great (except my current gf), but good and NONE of them liked chest hair or any other body hair for that matter. And that's not to mention getting deca dick and experiencing "erectile dysfunction," but not from a medical condition

I thought you were leaving the thread over the dick discussion and then u go talking about ED lmao . Im dying to know, does this have anything to do with ur lidocain story,lol
lol, it was one of the qeustions in the test unless we all got different questions,lol, and i wasnt trying to turn it into a cock thread,lol, i just thought everyone would think it was a flawed test with flawed answers,lol, didnt mean to hurt ur feeling BIG guy, so u got 5' who cares,lol

You know how I roll, a 5' monster cock, not a 5" one like the common folk
I thought you were leaving the thread over the dick discussion and then u go talking about ED lmao . Im dying to know, does this have anything to do with ur lidocain story,lol

ED and cock size are totally different lol....and no it has nothing to do with lidocaine. Other than I used to inject my dick with lidocaine to numb it then I'd pull cars with it without pain
ED and cock size are totally different lol....and no it has nothing to do with lidocaine. Other than I used to inject my dick with lidocaine to numb it then I'd pull cars with it without pain

lol, yeah i guess ur right, even ur five foot monster as you so elaquently put it aint shit if its Dysfunctional,lmao

My dick has an attention deficit disorder. one minute he is horny as fuck the next he wants to go to sleep. strange creature doesnt know if he is cumming or going, lmao
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I got 7 of 13. I know a girl that judges penis size by weather or not it's "size appropiate" to the guy! LOL So If you're tall then she thinks your tool should look big on you! So the same dick on a guy that's 5' 8" would be at his knees! LMAFO!!!
I got 4...<object width="1" height="1" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="undefined" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed width="1" height="1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" undefined="" allowScriptAccess="always" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object>:surprised<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" height="1" width="1">

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