
Staff member
It goes without saying that this site is driven by its members and you guys and gals are what make the site go and thrive here!

So with that said, what would you the member like to see here that maybe you have seen on other forums, or new apps, or mods we can install, new discussion forums ideas?

I just want to get a feeling what everyone here wants!

Is the set up here easy to navigate?

Was it difficult for you to figure out how to post new threads and reply to people when you were new?

Are there any problems viewing our site on desktops, tablets, and of course Mobile Phones????

Give Us some Ideas On How to Better YOUR Site!
thnx lol, hey you pm coming ur way regarding our New Ligandrol samples
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This site is the easiest to navigate and get right where you want to! I like the recent changes.
I agree, this site by far is the easiest to navigate! Not confusing and easy to post. Can't stand going to other sites because of the easy of this site.
This site rocks, and is very easy to navigate.

On another note, whatever happened to the private forum that I paid 600 currency points to join?
I am a idiot and if I can navigate through this site then its super user the forum / board keep up the great work Presser, this is my home forum and the best one out there......
great forum, wouldn't change a thing.........................however what does a Rep Power: 2147484209 mean?<dt> </dt>
I know something that would be awesome for use that are "spelling challanged". A spell check, I swear if I were born 30 years before I would never have the job, education, income I do now.........because I am horrible at spelling.

Thank you Microsoft and spell check.
hmm, my computer does spell check automatically when im typing in the text area here,
Mine does as well. It is a feature built into modern web browsers. I am currently using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 and it spell checks for me.
Mine does as well. It is a feature built into modern web browsers. I am currently using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 and it spell checks for me.

yeah i thought everyone had it now days, i guess yellow snow is still using his commodor 54 or some shit lmao