Tight feeling when injecting


MuscleChemistry member
Do you get a tight feeling when injecting 3cc or more in area?

I do and it gets so tight that I cant even tell when I pull the needle out.
Nope. Describe the sensation a little bit more. It almost sounds like you have too much scar tissue built up that you are pushing through causing excessive pressure once the oil is released. You only experience this discomfort once the oil is administered, correct?
I got that the one time I tried. If I have to do multiple CC'c in a day in the same muscle, I will do 1and a half in one spot and then move to another area in the same muscle.
Nope. Describe the sensation a little bit more. It almost sounds like you have too much scar tissue built up that you are pushing through causing excessive pressure once the oil is released. You only experience this discomfort once the oil is administered, correct?

You might be right, and yes its only when the oil is administered, and the tight feeling goes away after a few hours.
i agree with scar tissue theory. sometimes, usually only in legs, i cant even get the oil to go in. gotta go deeper, shallower, or find another spot.
Do you get a tight feeling when injecting 3cc or more in area?

I do and it gets so tight that I cant even tell when I pull the needle out.

Yep, I get that, too. The oil puts some pressure on the needle at that amount. I can always tell when it's happening, because the needle can have what I call, "play" in it until everything is in, and then afterwards it can pretty much hold itself up because of the internal pressure.