TNE - Your Thoughts On Testosterone No Ester

Iron Game

Gold Member
Who has used TNE?

Alright MuscleChemistry who has used TNE? What protocol did you use for dosing and how long did you use it? Did you like it? ETC...
Who has used TNE?

Alright MuscleChemistry who has used TNE? What protocol did you use for dosing and how long did you use it? Did you like it? ETC...
I have test suspension. I add in for pre-workout. Only for aggression.
Or when I get limp and can't get off.
I use 30 minutes before and say I got a surprise later that day

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I intend on researching it some time in the near future. Just one I never read much on. Never planned on using suspension, but it sounds better & better as time go's on.

Btw, how would that work if you ONLY used it pre-workout? As if it were the only test you were taking at the time too. Just wondering how the gains would be, as opposed to having a steady amount of test the whole time, like longer esters
Used suspension, while I don't like it in water and feel the oil maybe smoother, the pump is insane. Just insane. Gives me drive and fullness.
100 mg 30 min prior?

Knowing how calm you usually are seems like a waste, lol.
I use 75 mg pre-workout or pre-sex 30 min before.
Don't care what things say. I have water based suspension several vial and it's only last a few hours!
I use on top prop and tren or deca

It's not really worth a shit but for those two reasons

Want pre-workout and strength and aggressive tren ace all the way

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Water based here also, it looks like you are injecting milk lol. 100-150mg 30 minutes pre workout unless it's leg day then I do 200mg around 30 min pre workout. I hear a lot of people using the pre workout drinks and I'm like fuck that I'm a juice box, I use TNE and it's the best pre workout there is lol.
Is this the same stuff that I had years ago that was like shooting fire in my ass?
I use only in delts. I use slin pin it only burns when it gets to arteries!
When it does a welp comes up around pin hole.
I will not use deep in muscles. I use swallow with 8mm slin in delt or tri
Lat too.

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Water based here also, it looks like you are injecting milk lol. 100-150mg 30 minutes pre workout unless it's leg day then I do 200mg around 30 min pre workout. I hear a lot of people using the pre workout drinks and I'm like fuck that I'm a juice box, I use TNE and it's the best pre workout there is lol.
I only use around 75 to 150. And yes aggression awsome but it fades quickly.
Works good when I have problem on deca or tren at 75 pre-sex.

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I would only sudjest water based too someone that has issues with EO same with winstrol its almost necessary too keep it from crashing . I make mine at 100 mg / ml in 1% BA 15% BB 20% guaiacol rest EO . some cant tolerate those harsh solvents .

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As an old man who has been out of the loop for quite a while due to injuries, I have used TNE (oil based) and I fell in love with it. I also pinned it 30 minutes prior to training and it was better than any of the pre workout supplements that I had used. I even learned from a fellow member here on MC how to brew it. As I get back into shape and progress with my program, i will be using TNE again...
I pin it in the upper pec right below the collar bone. Mmmm, feel the warmth start then move some iron.