To armidex or not during a cycle


New member
I am running prop 100mg and tren 75mg ED for 12 weeks. 5 weeks are up and no real signs of any sides. Would I do any benefit to add armidex, actually liquidex from LR? I have been at a weight plateau for about 2 weeks. Last week I added D-bol 25mg ED, for one week to see if I could "kick start" the gains. I added weight but got bloated. I only took it for the week to see what would happen. Now back to the liquidex. Would this bring down the estrogen and allow the Test to take over and restart the gains? Any other ideas to get things growing?

Diet and exercise are good and consistent.

No.... Adding the L-dex will get rid of bloat.... You would probably lose a few pounds.... And it won't help you get more gains... If anything it would be better to have a little extra estrogen for gains.

To get the gains going again, I would look at my diet and training.... and make changes there if needed. Maybe up the cals... Load on the carbs for a few days.... If your doing any cardio maybe cut it out.... Etc.
Bro...use it. You don't want gyno. I'm using Prop right now (and wasn't using my femera at the time) and it aggravated my very small gyno lump. I started femera at close to 2mg the first day to about 1.25 mg eod and the lump is dissapating thank god.

Femera is some strong stuff that has gotten rid of small pea sized lumps twice now for me. I'll continue using on my cycle. (and probably in the future as well)
Alwayslearning said:
Thanks Bigger. Would you still recommend it even though I have absolutely no signs of gyno or anything else for that matter

Yes....there's no reason not to. Prevention is key in this game. Plus with an anti-aromatese it will free up more test in your system instead of converting it into estrogen.
you need bromo-criptine to stop problems with fina, plus the gear your running i dont see a hole lot of bloat. i think you could get away with just nolva and bromo as an inhibitor...MM
BiggerStronger said:
Yes....there's no reason not to. Prevention is key in this game. Plus with an anti-aromatese it will free up more test in your system instead of converting it into estrogen.

Great info, but you might want to order it from someone other than LR! :D