To Crossfit or not to Crossfit

Iron Game

Gold Member

Many people have prejudices against CrossFit, which are based on ignorance. Some strength and conditioning coach argue that CrossFit is designed more for top athletes, exercisers who want to improve and applied load, volume and duration of training is a long-term perspective for the average visitor to the gym bearable. On the other hand, members of the elite units of the army and police in the US are classified CrossFit into their program. CrossFit adherents argue that it is an improvement of physical pages in conjunction with an increase in psychological resilience.

Where you find inspiration? In traditional training methods, which were taken over by current athletes? Or in the training procedures of such organizations as the US Navy Seals, who say that CrossFit is more beneficial for daily life than standard methods, linked to the strength training?

Let us předestřít practical and scientific facts, from which you can make a picture of what training methods may be one or the second take and thereby build a kind of ultimate hybrid program.
Overtraining and periodization

CrossFit fundamental objective is the same as for top athletes. The Olympic motto "faster, higher, stronger" is the mantra that applies in this relatively new fitness sport. After all, the basic principle therefore, be faster, stronger and more massive, overcoming increasingly higher loads than what the body is used. The result is higher power and better fitness.

Crossfit is a tool to achieve this, all of which revolve around short intensive training units, also known as a WOD (Workout of the Day, training for the day, the assembly CrossFit workout represents one training session - Ed. Ed.) . They usually combine heavy weightlifting movements with very demanding circular workouts based cardio. WOD are renowned for their toughness and their demands although you can mitigate and adapt his abilities are documented cases of so-called rhabdomyolysis, which they shed a bad light. The essence of this phenomenon is the cleavage of muscle tissue, leading to the release of muscle fibers in blood. These released substances are harmful to the kidneys and cause them to fail. But this occurs only in extreme cases and just as there are horror stories of this type, even other sports where you need to go to the limits, but that is the essence of training.

It offers, however, question whether many crossfiterům missing periodization training to avoid overtraining.


Conventional, or if you want a conservative, strength and conditioning coach recommended separated from each other strength training and cardio training and basic heavy compound movements rotate. Many are also responsible for ranking "rest" week with a lower intensity. However, this is a concept that is some crossfitovým gyms rather strange, because they practiced the motto "exhausted endure repeated," with less emphasis on relaxation and regeneration.

Anyone who trains knows how thin the line between stimulation and destruction, so have both supporters CrossFit and ordinary exercisers notice what they body during intense training suggests.

