To gain muscle mass

Jeff lassiter

New member
New member just started back working out was wondering what u would suggest for muscle gain have used deca and sustanon but has been a few months ago just trying to get feed back
I had thought about the sustanon 250 and deca 200 any thing else to go with it
My husband just started a cycle with Sustanon, Deca, and Dbol. The Dbol just for the first 6 weeks, its a 12 week cycle.He's taking Aromasin to control estrogen levels and Ostarine (a peptide aka MK-2866)
I had thought about the sustanon 250 and deca 200 any thing else to go with it

i wouldnt mess with sustanon unless you plan on doing it right, which would be every day or every other day for the first 3-4 weeks, if i were you i would stick to a simply testosterone, if you wanna go short, propionate, long enanthate.

prop is eod, enanthate is once or twice a week, once is fine though.

and yes i would add he igf-1 lr3 and of course you could add in a sarm like ligandrol, ostarine or andarine, you can find those in the store here as well in case you decide to go that way