Tony Huge and his test subjects gorge on sushi while sneaking in their regular dose of Insulin.


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[h=2]Tony Huge and his test subjects gorge on sushi while sneaking in their regular dose of Insulin.[/h]Tony Huge is a man who believes that modern certified science has failed us – especially when it comes to innovations in drugs. Even more especially when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. Most of these PEDs are illegal – but Tony believes there is no proven science to warrant making these substances banned. That’s why Tony is conducting his own underground experiments with volunteer subjects to prove the value of PEDs.

But that also means that the subjects need to stay on target with training, diet, and substance intake every single day… even when you’re going out in public places that would frown upon illegal drug use. Case in point, this exclusive clip showcases Tony Huge taking out his subjects for a sushi feast. The goal? To put on as much bulking mass as possible by eating as much as possible. The problem? This will lead to gaining fat, not muscle. That’s where the drugs come in.

Unfortunately, it’s not acceptable to skip any of the scheduled drug intake – so Tony Huge sneaks in some of his own drug cocktails and slips them to each subject at the table. Tony doesn’t understand why a man with diabetes can openly take a shot in public… but someone using PEDs can’t. What do you think? Watch the clip above and decide for yourself.

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I dont know, lol, seems a little "gimmicky" to me, maybe its just how it was written that makes it seem that way. I mean it is insulin and timing is everything, so i dont know lmao
The thing about insulin is a little stupid. I have no problem using insulin out in the open if I need to use it, but that's me with my glucose meter there with me and a medical bracelet on my wrist that states I have a medical need. But breaking out the case and passing around loaded syringes is ridiculous. If you're going to load up like that, just do it in the car before you go in. What he did made them all look like druggies. Also, taking insulin and GH at the same time is antagonistic, not synergistic.