Iron Game

Gold Member
Top 3 Proper Guidelines to Buying Steroids.

When first looking into a cycle, the first thing that one wants to think of is RESEARCH. Before ever swallowing or injecting any Anabolic steroid you want to no what you are putting into your body and what side effects you could see.

1st. You want to make sure you have reached your full potential atleast working out and following a diet for atleast a year or two. Steroids will help but that is it, they are no magic pill. If your diet isn’t in line and you are not working out hard and following a routine steroids are going to do nothing for you.

2. Finding a cycle for a begginer. This is most important because alot of Begginers are going to want to go straight into oral only cycles and not realizing that in the end they are going to loose most if not all there gains. I have seen it over and over again. Injecting is the way to go. And Having Testosterone as the base of ever cycle is key to making and keeping gains. Your first cycle is the best cycle you can use so use it properly.

3.Finding a legit source. There are many many people out there just looking to rip you off. Worse then that there are many underground labs selling fake and dirty steroids that can potentially hurt you and make you sick. Searching and reading what and who other members use is easy but hard to find. Make your way around the net and do not rush this. Forums are your key.

These are the 3 main Keys to going about making your purchase and learning about what you are putting into your body. If you find a great source they will take care of you.