training advise needed..


New member
So i'm having a training "crisis" and am in need of some directions.
I dropped about 50lbs in 6months and shifted my focus on gaining upper body mass.
My issue is that I seem to be ]hold all of my fat in the gut area. Well I know that to gain mass I have to up my caloric intake..which I havebeen doing... but this pillsberry doughboy gut is killing me. Maybe I have a skewed body image.
So should I continue with this pursuit of upper body mass or go cardio crazy again and try to loose this gut. Could there really be a sensible medium to this dillema of mine?
Current stats:
ecto build (im guessing since I have long limbs and torso)
I'll attach a pix when I can figure it out.
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So i'm having a training "crisis" and am in need of some directions.
I dropped about 50lbs in 6months and shifted my focus on gaining upper body mass.
My issue is that I seem to be ]hold all of my fat in the gut area. Well I know that to gain mass I have to up my caloric intake..which I havebeen doing... but this pillsberry doughboy gut is killing me. Maybe I have a skewed body image.
So should I continue with this pursuit of upper body mass or go cardio crazy again and try to loose this gut. Could there really be a sensible medium to this dillema of mine?
Current stats:
ecto build (im guessing since I have long limbs and torso)
I'll attach a pix when I can figure it out.

Its an easy answer brutha, and made even easier having the photo to go by. GO CARDIO CRAZY as you put it bro!

Stop with the trying to gain upper body mass and just concentrate soley on cardio, and a good solid diet, and I promise you the gut will be gone in no time at all. Then you can worry about packing on mucle here or there or in your case your upper body.

Realy bro i promise ya , if you concentrate on cardio, and a strict diet with a solid training regimen, you will lose that gut!
Its an easy answer brutha, and made even easier having the photo to go by. GO CARDIO CRAZY as you put it bro!

Stop with the trying to gain upper body mass and just concentrate soley on cardio, and a good solid diet, and I promise you the gut will be gone in no time at all. Then you can worry about packing on mucle here or there or in your case your upper body.

Realy bro i promise ya , if you concentrate on cardio, and a strict diet with a solid training regimen, you will lose that gut!

completely agree, tou can still workout but id focus mostly on diet and cardio for sure/
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Diet and cardio will do wonders man, get a strict diet together and stick to it and in a month you'll be surprised at how much different you look
I would still combine some resistance training with your cardio, It will help speed up your metabolic rate and keep your CNS firing. Maybe some circuit type training to be incorporated in your cardio.
I would still combine some resistance training with your cardio, It will help speed up your metabolic rate and keep your CNS firing. Maybe some circuit type training to be incorporated in your cardio.

I agree with the circuit training!!!
try doing some cardio on the stepmill to bro, it will help tone up your glutes and quads alittle as well.