Treadmill Trouble


Do anyone of you experience problems while running on treadmills? More specifically, does the band on the treadmill slip forward while running? It does for me and I almost fall. I'm pretty sure it has to do with my weight, but I know people a lot heavier than me are on these treadmills.

I tried to run with an incline but it didn't seem to help much.
never ran on one, sorry im a bike guy or elyptical guy, but never treadmill, i think i shed more fat and less muscle when using the bike and then the elyptical and its easy on my kness
I have trouble period running.gear usage promotes too much cramping and my shins explode like--anyway,I recently bought a gazzelle--you've probably seen them on a info commerical with tony little in his pony tail and cap--i aleays thought it was crap until listening to people priase this thing..Its great--its a total body cardio--really great i do it for 20 to 30 mins 3x wkly and it really has made a difference---check it out.
Never had that problem but then again I don't run.

You won't get me to run unless something I'm really afraid of is chasing me.
I have a treadmill at my house and I have also used the treadmill at my gym, and BOTH of those treadmills have done the same thing that you have described ... I have told the gym staff, but no-one there weighs 260 plus like me ... so the treadmill doesn't do that with them on it. The treadmill at my house does slip some as well and there is no way to tighten the main drive belt that is slipping ... I have found that if I give the machine a warm up time to let the belt warm up and grip better, it slips less. Regardless, I know what you are talking about, and I almost went thru the wall when it happened to me! :mad:
Yes...I experience those problems when I run on treadmills. I don't think there is too much you can do about it though except making sure the machine you pick has a tight belt on it.
Yes like biggerstronger stated. The problem is that the belt needs to be tightened. I have dabbled in treadmill repair over the years. They need to tune that treadmill up if the belt slips. It is as simple as turning the bolts a 1/4 turn at a time, each. Good luck.