Tren Ace and Tren enanthate


New member
hey guys this is my first time on here so all comments are welcome good or bad

i was just wondering if you can run tren e & tren a . at the same time ive just got some andwas just wondering if this was a bad idea or good ?

Hey bro i moved your question out of the other thread, as its always better to start a new thread to ask questions, rather then ask questions at the bottom of someone elses thread, as you will get a lot more replys if u make a new thread.

Also Welcome to MuscleChemistry brutha!

I think its a bad idea to use the two at the same time!
I'd rather avoid enth just because you may not know how you will react if you get any side effects and the ester will stay longer. At least with ace you can stop and it will leave much sooner.

If anything, maybe run the ace and see if you get any sides then start with enthanate.
I'd rather avoid enth just because you may not know how you will react if you get any side effects and the ester will stay longer. At least with ace you can stop and it will leave much sooner.

If anything, maybe run the ace and see if you get any sides then start with enthanate.

Dam good point Buffalo and you too Presser! Follow this brutha..
Tren ace is much safer and you will see the effects (good or bad) right away...enth takes a bit to get fulling into the body to really do the effects...go with tren ace ...are you new to gear in general...
Tren ace is much safer and you will see the effects (good or bad) right away...enth takes a bit to get fulling into the body to really do the effects...go with tren ace ...are you new to gear in general...

Thats a really good question! Tren isn't some to screw around with, don't be afraid to ask a lot questions before using it bro. and WELCOME!!!
Is this your first time taking tren? If so you will see it is strong and it does mess with your mind and make you super horny. I took it with test prop alternating days. With this cycle in two mths I put on 25 Pds, your strength gains will be crazy. it was my first cycle and I think I should have gone with not so aggressive of a steroid as a first cycle. Watch your nippes for sensitivity as I was told on here tren causes progesterone. Good luck
hey thanks guys am just gunna get rid of it the as id rather take something a bit lighter what your views on sustanol 250 blend and deca ?

thanks for all comments
yeah ive did a cyle of sust and deca before seen really good gains but lost them due to injurie

Sus is never a good first time or second time use in a cycle .. It's more of an advanced user portion of a protocol.. If you are say on first or second time cycle a basic start is test cyp or ethn. And good old dbol.. But test and tren a is also a great combo if you don't get the sides tren can offer.And deca is also..
how old are you bro? how long have you been lifting? wat array your goals that you want to get to on this cycle you are going to be running?
im 20 been lifting about a year and a bit my goals are just sheer muscle mass then after a while i will cut i usually do cardio at least once a week
O and how many cycle have you ran b4 ? At your weight and it don't sound like you have ran many cycles b4.. so i would run test E or at 250 to 500mgs and EQ at 250mgs a week four 10-12 weeks. But you can run deca instead of EQ . i just like EQ better. let us no how it gos for you bro.. and good luck !!!!
Before adding anything other than just test I'd stay away from anything else being that you're only 20 and only lifting for only a year.
Yeah .. You got good free test floating around at your age unless the last cycle ruined you somehow.. Stick with the basics.. Test and deca or dbol.. No need to have a buffet of stuff at your age and of high doses . start low ml and see how you respond .. You got plenty of time to
really learn how your body reacts to certain supplements and foods.. Patience brutha..

Also there are plenty of great prohormones out nowadays and there are guys on here that can help if you wish to try that route ..
Welcome to Mc brutha!!
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