Tren enth sides


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Has anyone ever had really bad sides from tren enth ? I was fine 200mgs every 5 days the went to 300 and I'm having problems catching my breath. Really tired and feel like shit. But getting bigger just sitting around lol wtf.
Has anyone ever had really bad sides from tren enth ? I was fine 200mgs every 5 days the went to 300 and I'm having problems catching my breath. Really tired and feel like shit. But getting bigger just sitting around lol wtf.

bro, don't you remember chris250 was hospitalized for this exact thing ??? it fucked his heart up bad, i would never fuck with tren enanthate , ever, if problems arise i want it out of me fast so i use ace, but yeah i know some guys got bad heart issues from tren e
I cannot run tren it is some potent ass shit. I thought I was going to die on it woke up 2 times and could not breath and sitting down for a hour to start feeling better. Fuck that I will stack and get the same or better results.
bro, don't you remember chris250 was hospitalized for this exact thing ??? it fucked his heart up bad, i would never fuck with tren enanthate , ever, if problems arise i want it out of me fast so i use ace, but yeah i know some guys got bad heart issues from tren e

^^^^This. Stay away from Tren enth and stick with Tren ace. Heart issues are not reversible.
Has anyone ever had really bad sides from tren enth ? I was fine 200mgs every 5 days the went to 300 and I'm having problems catching my breath. Really tired and feel like shit. But getting bigger just sitting around lol wtf.
i get shortness of breath and for the first 3- weeks a little night sweats
Going on high doses of tren ace will do the same thing. It's pretty common that tren will leave you with less aerobic endurance. I notice it most when I'm doing squats. What you have to remember when going the tren e route is its half life of 7-10 days and how much and how fast levels will build up in the blood. If I remember, Chris250 was doing a high dosage of tren e over a long period, 300-400mg, and that was what caused his heart problems.

Take 300 mg of tren ace at a half life of 2 days over one week (Feel free to correct me if I'm figuring it wrong)

100 100 100 100
-50 -50 -50
-25 -25

100 150 175 188

300 mg of tren enanthate at a half life of 7 days over one week

300 300
300 450

As you can see, as you keep going, tren e goes really high really fast. By the next week, you would have approximately 525mg still in the blood. You don't need anywhere that kind of dosage to get the same benefits as when using tren ace. Not to say that you can't use tren e safely, because you can. You just don't need as much of it as you think.
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Going on high doses of tren ace will do the same thing. It's pretty common that tren will leave you with less aerobic endurance. I notice it most when I'm doing squats. What you have to remember when going the tren e route is its half life of 7-10 days and how much and how fast levels will build up in the blood. If I remember, Chris250 was doing a high dosage of tren e over a long period, 300-400mg, and that was what caused his heart problems.

Take 300 mg of tren ace at a half life of 2 days over one week (Feel free to correct me if I'm figuring it wrong)


100 100 100 100

-50 -50 -50

-25 -25



100 150 175 188

300 mg of tren enanthate at a half life of 7 days over one week


300 300



300 450

As you can see, as you keep going, tren e goes really high really fast. By the next week, you would have approximately 525mg still in the blood. You don't need anywhere that kind of dosage to get the same benefits as when using tren ace. Not to say that you can't use tren e safely, because you can. You just don't need as much of it as you think.

Fantastic reply, and if memory serves me correct, that was the issue Chris had where as if it were the tren ace it wold have been out of him much sooner, but instead he dealt with the sides for a long while due to it being tren enanthate.

I also went back to look for the thread he made on this issue but i can't find it, if anyone finds it, please bum it, it was informative
Well Idk if was the tren enth. But I'm thinking it was the gear and how long it was being ran with out breaks. Now o just got back from doc and I gave blood monday. Blood pressure was way up and hemo level too and couldn't sleep and was always tired. Since then blood pressure went way down and feel so much better. But did ekg test and came out with something wrong with the left side of my heart. So tomorrow I have to go to ER and get a echo test to pin point it. But doc said giving blood was a really smart move. And it to stress off my heart
I get a little worse sides from tren ace than tren E. Either way, I get the same way, out of breath, cant sleep, constant sweating. I'll just run ace for 5 weeks or E for 6. All my body can handle safely.

Some guys are lucky and can handle tonsof gear for long periods but i cant with tren. A guy at my old gym ran Tren E for 8 years straight or something ridiculous like . He is till alive and kicking it, but no telling what he did to his body, that he didnt tell me about. He was on that long before the net too, he just didnt have the info to know better. Like we do now.
chris250 must have had an underlying issue in the first place. most sides that come from it are sweats and getting harder to breath due to the oxygen your body is absorbing. I know people that have ran tren ace and tren e as much as 1200 or more a week and for long periods of time (months). oh yeah and it will make you bat shit crazy but other than that medical issues that normal arise from juice is due to underlying already existing problems that haven't came out yet. But diet can affect shit to like if you eat McDonald's everyday while on tren or something. yeah it keeps you lean but that doesnt mean go and eat all that fat bro. lol. just saying. tren ace is good and all but when your pinning everyday and everything above 600 to 1000mg, its gets old going 3mls here and there lol.