This is my first post in a bit. I have been on a Tren ace 75mg every day and Test Prop 30mg every day cycle for 6 weeks. I have been cutting. This has been very effective fat dropped pretty fast, and still got a lot stronger. No terrible sides from the Tren, I do sweat, and very short of breath, heart rate up a bit along with BP, Neither too bad. have noticed that I seem to b sweating a lot less in the past weeks or so. s this normal that later in tren cycle that some of the sides slow way down?
have just placed my first ordr from MC STORE for Nolva bloat and anti P, Muscle Mechanic referred me to these products, Presser, and MC store, said these products are as good as gets. And as most of you know if Muscle Mechanic says it it's gold.
Thanks for any feedback
have just placed my first ordr from MC STORE for Nolva bloat and anti P, Muscle Mechanic referred me to these products, Presser, and MC store, said these products are as good as gets. And as most of you know if Muscle Mechanic says it it's gold.
Thanks for any feedback