Does Tren have a conservative dosage that is unlikely to cause such severe issues in your opinion? Can you share more insight please on the negatives of Tren?
Unlike Test, whose main sides are increased estrogen and hair loss (if you are already genetically doomed to lose it), tren has many sides. First, remember that tren was developed for horses and never for human use.
50mg of tren will effect everyone differently. One simply cannot say if there will be bad sides or not, the only way to know is experimentation.
The major tren sides are: night sweats (sometimes so bad you wake up in a puddle of sweat literally), greatly increased aggression and irritability, irregular heat beats, and very vivid dreams that you actually completely remember. The first two are almost universally felt by everyone who uses tren. You have to be very careful about your anger...many people have dubbed tren "divorce in a bottle". As a note, many people actually find the sides are greatly reduced when running the longer esters instead of the shorter ones. However, everyone recommends starting with the shorter esters so you can quit much faster if you find the sides to be unbearable.
Take it slow and easy. Start low and give it a few weeks to fully kick in. If you find no or very mild sides, you can increase it A LITTLE (not doubling it as many do, maybe go from 50 to 75 instead). After a few weeks, see how you feel again. If you have a trusted friend, as them if you have been acting irritable or aggressive - you will have no clue you changed, but your friends will. Trust them and listen to them.