Trestolone Actate (Ment) ?

Chocolate Rain

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just wanted to see what peoples experiences were with the color of ment for those who have tried it in the past and were positive it was ment. Is it only supposed to be a lighter color as i'm finding in my google searches or can it be a darker amber-ish color as well?
its something similar to tren ace but with less side effects ?? ( just asked my friend about it, because i didnt know that something like this exist )
Mine has always been more of a medium (apple juice color)...........not sure how to explain the shades of yellow without photos. I think it may have more to do with the color of the base oil, mine was done in grapeseed oil, and color was the same wither it was ace, deconate or PP.
Are you talking about the color of the actual raw hormone? Because I would imagine that depending on whats used to reconstitute it, it could end up a variety of colors. I've seen ment that was crystal clear using MCT oil.
Trest trumps tren IMO. Lots of fake trest going around now. I used the Pure Oils trest. Patrick Arnold tested every batch of raws. Mike Arnold put out a good read on trest. Just google it.
Trest trumps tren IMO. Lots of fake trest going around now. I used the Pure Oils trest. Patrick Arnold tested every batch of raws. Mike Arnold put out a good read on trest. Just google it.

Pure oils was the bomb and the only thing I used. Not sure if I agree on the trest trumps tren statement, depends on how you look at it :satan:
Are you talking about the color of the actual raw hormone? Because I would imagine that depending on whats used to reconstitute it, it could end up a variety of colors. I've seen ment that was crystal clear using MCT oil.

I was referring to the final product. Trest ace in gso to be specific, after searching a little bit deeper I see more of the darker tren like color as well. I guess it'll be obvious as I will not be taking test with it. If my libido drops then its not ment.