Two planet fitness videos that both anger me n make me laugh.

There must be some people who like it. Every time I drive by the one in my area the whole parking lot is filled with cars. I went in once, it was packed. I couldn't work out in a place that was so crowded. I think the reason they have so many members is the $10@month price. That is way lower than the other gyms around my area.
Geez I never realized how bad they were, I never have been in one, we have a couple in my city and I guess $10 a month would be the reason they would be crowded. I can't believe the alarm haha that's just hilarious. Anyone who is self conscious about the gym is not self conscious about grunting lol it's because they are FAT.
i never seen the video when dude starts throwing shit, good for him1
As a gym owner, they do scare the shit out of me, $10 a month is almost free. Ya get what you pay for and the ignorant general public falls for thier BS. I would imagine they make a lot of money regardless of thier overall BS idealogy
10 a month and unlimited guess passes so join w. a friend split the bill pay 5. Plus free bagels ice cream & pizza all in the name of 'Fitness' utter bs.
I would totally think it was a joke video, if I didn't know better. They are cheap as hell though, so that's how they attract people.
There must be some people who like it. Every time I drive by the one in my area the whole parking lot is filled with cars. I went in once, it was packed. I couldn't work out in a place that was so crowded. I think the reason they have so many members is the $10@month price. That is way lower than the other gyms around my area.

If you are after cardio & tanning only then it might be the place for you. Not for lifters!
I would totally think it was a joke video, if I didn't know better. They are cheap as hell though, so that's how they attract people.

yup and stuff everyone that's already fat with Donuts, and pizza. They know they will never hit their goals, and with no one physically fit or weight lifting with a purpose in there, no one has anything to strive for. they are guaranteed that money, once the fat fucks that start their contract realize they will never gain any size, or lose any weight, they quit going, and Planet still gets their 10 a month.
Its the perfect money system, they offer pizza nights, and all kinds of sweet snacks, and in their real commercials they state they don't take fitness too serious, so they keep everyone there fat, and coming back lol, its a fucking joke! I hope someone sues them soon
I think they bank on the super rate of $10/month, for some its not even worth deducting or even balancing. So why cancel it? may as well just suck it up, go there a handfull of times per year and keep the membership
I am waiting for someone to do a commercial or even just a decent quality youtube video flipping the script on these assholes at planet fitness! Hire a fat fuck for a few hours and make a commercial kicking them out of a real gym, idk, someone has to make a commercial sooner or later
Idk if it was mentioned but their dumbbells only go up to like 50 lbs and they have no benches or squat racks.. So no barbells... Blows my mind